Chapter 3

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I walk through the door at precisly 4:00 to have Toothless pounce on me, pinning me to the door before attacking me with licks. I laugh before kneeing him in the chest, telling him to back up. He obeys and drops his leash into my hand. I sigh, putting my bag down, and clip the rope onto his collar.

"Alright bud lets go," I say and open the door to have him shoot outside, dragging me down the street.

"Toothless!" I laugh and he comes back, walking at my side. We pass Snotlout's house and Hookfang, his Great Dane, barked at us from behind a window. I wave to him as Toothless barks back. We go through the same thing as we pass Heather's house and Fishlegs', their dogs, Meatlug and Windshear, doing the same as Hookfang. We make it to the park and Toothless pauses, letting out a series of barks before shooting in front of me, ripping the leash from my grasp and running in a random direction.

No one's P.O.V.

Astrid clicked Stormfly back onto her leash as people started to walk by with Great Danes of their own. Stormfly growled and barked at them if they got less than 5ft away from Astrid to scare them off and protect her human. Wow. Great danes must be popular here, Astrid thought, remembering how much attention she got in her old town for having the only Great Dane there. Suddenly, Stormfly shoots into a standing position as her ears pricked.

"What's up, girl?" Astrid asked, not remembering a time Stormfly looked more excited. Suddenly, her dog shot off in a random direction, barking happily.

"Stormfly!" Astrid screamed as the leash was ripped form her hand. She left her book and raced after her best friend. "Stormfly!" she screamed desperately.

"Toothless!" Hiccup screamed as he ran after his dog. He ran down the road his four legged friend was taking, pushing through the branches that poked into his path.

"Stormfly!" he heard somene shout a second before his body collided with something. He closed his eyes as he fell forward, landing ontop of the thing he ran into. He heard someone groan and opened his eyes to see a beautiful girl with crystal blue eyes.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I ran down the road Stormly was taking. "Toothless!" I heard the scream before someone collided with my body. The power and force from the person caused me to close my eyes in shock as I fall onto my back, stones crunching into my spine as they land on top of me. I groan before opening my eyes to be met with mezmorizing forest green ones. My eyes widen as the boy looks into them, awe dancing through his orbs.

No one's P.O.V.

Hiccup and Astrid soon found themselves lost in each others eyes, unsure what to do in this awkward situation.

Astrid's P.O.V.

The strang boy quickly stands up and holds a hand out to help me up. I gently swat it away and stand up on my own.

"I-i'm sorry, miss. I was chasing my dog and I didn't see you there," he apologizes as we dust ourselves off.

"It's just as much my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going either," I say as I look around for Stormfly. I see her under the branches of a weeping willow tree, sniffing a black Dane as he did the same to her. I breath a sigh of releif before running to the two dogs, the boy following me for some reason. I grab Stormfly's leash and the boy grabs the other dog's. Stormfly whimpers quietly as I pull her away but soon follows at my side.

"Hey, wait up!" The boy calls as he and his dog run after us. Stormfly and I walk back to the bench and I sit down as she lays on the ground. The black Dane lays next to her as his owner sits beside me.

"Can I help you?" I ask.

"You can tell me your name," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Savage," I tell him my nickname and stand up. "Stormfly. Heel," I order and she walks by my side as I wrap the leash around my wrist. The two males jog after us.

"Savage? What kinda name is that?" The boy asks.

"A name you earn, richie. A name you have to work for. A name that can only be earned by a savage," I tell him without breaking stride.

"Richie?" He asks, confusion dancing in his voice.

"My nickname for rich people," I tell him. I could already see that he is popular. Best I don't get acquainted with him.

"How do you know I'm rich?" he asks as he matches my pace.

"I have a sense about these things. Your father is an important person in this town and you are an important person at your place of education," I tell him, my gaze fixed ahead as he sneaks a few glances at me.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

How did she know all that?! I sneak a few amazed glances at her as we walk around the pond of the park. "Heel," she says as she unclips her dog. The grey Great Dane lets out a breathy bark before shaking herself.

"So, um, are you--" she cuts me off.

"New around here, yes." she says in exasperation.

"You must've been asked that a lot," I chuckle.

"Quite a few times, yes," she says, slowing down as we pass a duck, sitting in a nest on the bank. She takes out her phone as she stops and kneels down on the grass. "Check this out," she whispers and says into her phone, "Hello, do you have a name?" she presses a button and holds the phone closer to the duck as it make the species' noises. The duck turns our direction and I get down next to the girl as it quacks.

She then presses another button and a different voice says from the speaker, "No. Do you?" My eyes widen as I look at her.

She smirks, "Duck translator. You can get the weirdest stuff for free in an app store." She then holds the phone up to me. "Say something," she orders.

"Uh, hi. How are you?" I ask unsurely. She pushes the button again and the app translates it.

The duck quacks and she pushes the button to translate it to English, "I'm fine. Back to my earlier question, do you have a name?" She gets up and walks away. I look from her to the duck and back again before following her. I wasn't going to leave this park without a name.

"Look," she sighs as I reach her side again, "I don't wanna be rude but if you don't back up a little, I will set Stormfly on you and then your dog can fight her while I use this," she takes a pocket knife from her belt, "To cut you're throat." I stay calm; for some reason, I felt like that was an empty threat. I decide to play around with her for a little bit.

"That didn't seem rude at all," I say in an understanding voice, then end with a smile, "It sounded threatening."

She starts to walk away and moves her hands towards her chest as she inhales deeply then moves them away as she exhales deeper. She puts her knife back and her hand twitches. What was that? It was a very small and subtle twitch but still noticeable to the eagle eye. It continues to twitch as we walk and she stuffs her hand into her pocket. She doesn't want people to see it. I thought to myself as she avoided my eye. I was gonna follow her until she told me her name. I wanted to be her friend. She was new and seemed to not know anyone otherwise she'd be in conversation with one of the many people here. She hasn't been talking to me much so I don't count.

"Hey, Hiccup!" I turn around as Heathers voice calls my name and see her running towards me with her Great Dane Windshear.

"Oh, Heather. I'd like you to meet-" I break off as I turn around and find the mystery girl gone. My eyes scan the park to find no sign of her or her dog, who I assumed was Stormfly.

"Meet who?" Heather asks and I turn back to her, trying to hide my confusion.

"Uh, never mind," I say and Toothless whimpers as he sees the strange dog gone.

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