Chapter 4

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

Toothless walked at my side, his head hanging sorrowfully. I pat his head as we walk home, "Don't worry bud. I'm sure we'll run into them again some time. Berk isn't a very big town and this isn't a very big country at all."

He lets out a soft bark as we walk up to the house. I went up to my room and flopped down on my bed. I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. She was beautiful. Her face kept on flashing in my mind, her crystallized ocean blue eyes glistening in the sunlight while her golden hair draped over her shoulder in a braid and framed her face perfectly.

It was weird. I know I like meeting new people and stuff but I wanted to actually track her down and meet her again. I don't get it. I wasn't even this way when I met Heather. And she's my "girlfriend". She calls herself that but we really aren't together. I wonder if she's gonna go to Berkian High School on Monday. Great now I'm gonna be restless all weekend. I'm gonna meet Astrid on Monday and chances are I'm gonna meet the mystery girl again! I couldn't wait!

Time skip

I poked at my food as the waiter brought me another beverage refill. "Are you okay, Hiccup?" my dad asks, "You've been rather quiet." I pause, looking at him while trying to act normal.

"What makes you say that?" I ask and he raises an eye brow.

"Usually you're talking about what you talked about in history class by now," he says and my shoulders slump as I sigh. Might as well tell him.

"On our walk today, we went to the park and I ran into this gorgeous girl. She was...just...I can't explain it. But she wouldn't tell me her name, she was new to town, and I got distracted long enough for her to make a run for it. I want to meet her again but I have no idea how to find or get in touch with her. It's kinda driving me crazy," I tell him.

He nods, "Hm. Well, maybe, if you go there often enough, you'll see her again." I look up from my plate as he smiles.

I let out a breathy chuckle before saying, "Thanks dad. She kinda took up my brain so I couldn't think like that." We laugh before continuing with our food.

Another time skip!

Astrid's P.O.V.

 It was Saturday. I slept in before waking up to the sound of my dad cutting firewood for the place. I look at my clock to see that it was 1:00 P.M. I shoot out of bed and throw on a tank top with my jeans before running downstairs. I grab a banana and scarf it down before running outside and Stormfly jumps to her feet from her spot, laying on the porch.

"Dad! You need some help?! I'm sorry I slept in!" I say and he looks at me with a smile.

"Don't worry about it, Astrid," he says as he wraps me in a one armed hug and kisses my forehead, "You stayed up late last night, getting all the boxes into the right rooms and getting the kitchen in order. No idea why you didn't want to stop though... hint, hint." I sigh as I realize that he wanted to know why I became a sudden work-aholic. "Come on, honey. We both know that you work when you're stressed," he says, cutting another piece of wood with my ax.

"Are you using my ax?" I ask, changing the subject.

"It's the only ax we have until we unpack some boxes. Don't change the subject," he says, pointing the ax at me while tilting his head. 

"I met a dude at the park yesterday-" dad cuts me off with a whistle and a bounce of his eye brows. I roll my eyes. "Anyway, he tried to socialize with me-" he cuts me off, again, with raised eye brows.

"Mmmhh, Bad idea, buddy boy," he says and I roll my eyes again.

"I ducked out the first chance I got but I'm worried I might see him again sometime and then, Stormfly won't be there to growl at him," I finish. He nods as he cuts another piece of wood. Then my brother, Miller, dashed out of the house and tackled me to the side, landing on top of me as we landed on the ground.

"He didn't ask you out did he?!" He shouts in my ear.

"No he didn't but I think he wanted to!" I shout back. I shove him off me and stand up to have him grab my shoulders. Great. He's sleep deprived again. He starts to laugh and leans forward until he has me wraped in his arms.

"Oh Astrid, you're so cute. Wanna help me give Stormfly and Whisperwind their baths?" He asks me and I start to lead him inside. That stupid girlfriend of his was keeping him up again. I take him up to his room and he lays down on his bed.

"Okay Miller, here's what I want you to do," I say as I cover him with a blanket, "you are gonna stay here and sleep. You will not get up to answer your phone because it will be with me. You're gonna sleep until you wake up naturally and then you are gonna come find me. Got it?" He nods slowly and soon I hear soft snores. I take a sticky note and write him a note saying to find me when he wakes up and stick it to his lamp. I then draw the shades and turn the light off before quietly closing his door. Miller maybe my older brother but I need to tell him to dump that girl. I wasn't even back downstairs before his phone went off in my pocket. I smile at the caller ID. I decide to pretend like I've never met her before when I answer.

(A: Astrid, J: Jacey)
A: Hello?
J: Who is this?
A: I could ask you the same thing.
J: So what, now he can't even answer his girlfriend when she calls?
A: Oh, is this Jacey?
J: Have him call me back in an hour.

She hangs up and I stuff his phone into my nightstand drawer. I sigh before going back down stairs. I get started with cleaning and unpacking the living room.

"Astrid, will you come give me a hand with the dogs?" my mom calls from the bathroom.

"Can't we wait until we're settled in to give them a bath?" I call back.

"Come on, you love washing Stormfly!" Mom's voice says from the bathroom.

"Well, she don't love it as much as me!" I call back and she laughs before I walk in. We wash my brother's Dane, Whisperwind, before moving onto Stormfly. I go to get her and find her outside, standing defensively. I move my feet a shoulder's width apart and narrow my eyes at her. She does the same as my dad plays western-movie-stand-off-music. I clench and unclench my fists as Stormfly lifts a paw and lowers her head a little.

I take her leash from my belt loop and she tilts her head before shaking it and going back into the stance she was in. I smirk slightly as I glare at her.

"Come on Stormfly," I coax her, "We're just gonna go for a walk." She tilts her head again. She falls for it every time. I put on a playful face.

"Come on, lets go for a walk," I say playfully while getting into a wrestling position. She starts to wag her tail as she runs towards me with a happy bark. I click the leash onto her collar and walk towards the house.

"Sucka," I laugh as she tries to not follow. "Come on girl," I grunt as I drag her into the bathroom, "It's just some warm water and soap." She gives a hard tug and sends me forward a little bit.

I get her into the tub and dash out the door before she can get out. She barks and I run up stairs before changing into my swimsuit. I run past Millers room on my way back down stairs.

"Oh, is it time to bathe Stormfly already?" his voice asks and I come back to his door, peeking in to see him sitting on his bed, looking some what refreshed.

"Miller! It is time to bathe her so I'll talk to you in a few hours," I say and run down stairs as he laughs. After about an hour and a half...I finally get her into the tub at the same time as the water.

I keep a hand on her back as I reach for the soap. After another hour, I get her washed and another 30 minutes pass before I get her dry. By the end, I was more soaked then she ever was.

"I don't get it. If that tub was a lake or a pond, you would've been in there quicker than the water," I say as I let her out of the bathroom and go to the kitchen to get her a treat. She scarfs it down and I look at the clock to see that it's well past 4:00. I hit my forehead with my palm.

"Oh, that's why you were so much worse than usual. I'm so sorry girl!" I apologize as I wrap my arms around her neck. I kiss her forehead before running upstairs and changing back into my tank top and jeans. I meet her back at the door and promise her we'll stay out double time this time. Before we leave, I tell my parents and then we are out the door. Please don't let anyone talk to me. I pray as we walk down the street, me letting Stormfly choose where we go.

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