Chapter 18

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Astrid woke up and it was still a little dark out, even though she thought her clock said it was 7:50. Crap! She thought as she realized she was late for school. She stood up only to have a wave of nausea, dizziness, and heat wash over her. She collapsed back on her bed to find a note on her nightstand next to a pill and glass of water. She popped the pill in her mouth and took a gulp of water before reading the note.

I called you in sick at school. Don't leave your room. I'll be back at 10:00 to check on you, try to rest until then and keep an ice pack on your head. Don't want you to over heat. Love you,

She sighed before burying herself in the blankets again. She could barely keep her eyes open but she didn't want to risk missing Miller. She felt awful. And I don't mean physically. Miller's already done so much for her. She felt like she couldn't do anything right, she always needed him to come to her rescue. How is she gonna survive when she moves out? If Miller dies, who is she gonna turn to for advice. It won't be her parents, that's for sure. They were great, don't get her wrong, but they wouldn't have noticed how sick Astrid was if they were around right now. They'd think she was just trying to avoid Hiccup. They wouldn't realize that she's matured since the days she tried to play sick so she wouldn't have to hang out with...him. She owed more to Miller than she could repay in a lifetime. Soon, Astrid drifted into an agonized daze, staring into nothing as her eyes focused on her nightstand. She was about to drift off when she heard a car door close outside. Wondering who it was, she slowly sat up and looked out the window to see her brother with a grocery bag in his hand. Relieved that it wasn't an intruder, she flopped back down on the bed as the front door opened. A few minutes later, Miller eased her door open and walked in as he saw that she was awake. He looked at her with sympathetic eyes as he sat on the edge of her bed and felt her forehead.

"How're you feeling?" he asked softly although it sounded like he was shouting, to Astrids ears.

"Why are you screaming?" she whispers.

"Sorry," Miller says softer.

"I'm feeling a little better. I'm hungry," she says and Miller chuckles softly before bringing her a bowl of soup. "Thanks. I'm sorry, Miller," she says.

"Don't you dare apologize," he orders.

"I just did," she tells him, "You supported me when mom and dad left. You paid for my school. You fed me. All I was was a burden. And here we are, back in the care of our parents, and you're still taking care of me!" Miller smiled softly at his sisters guilt.

"I take care of you because you're my little sister, Astrid," he tells her as he brushed some bangs out of her face. Her eyes smiled at him before they closed and soft snores sounded from Astrid's throat.

Time skip

Astrid' P.O.V.

Okay, week to recover, that's not normal for me. Oh, well, the point is I'm back at school and Hiccup was sitting next to me in the lunch room, trying to get me to come to another party. "I'm sorry Hiccup, but I don't do parties. Have you learned nothing?" I ask before he gets a nervous look in his eye. "What's that look?" I ask.

" may or may not be at your house," he says and I shoot out of my seat before tackling him to the ground.

"What?!" I scream, pulling the collar of his shirt to move his face closer to mine. He starts with a nervous laugh before it turns to scared weeping.

"Please don't hurt me," he begs and I release him roughly before realizing I was straddling his body and students were snapping pictures around us.

"Ah!" I exclaim as I jump off him and run to the library.

"Astrid?!" Hiccup calls as he comes in after me.

"Please tell me no one accepted the invitations!" I snap.

"Erm...." he says.

"Uhn! My life is over!" I groan, face planting on a table.

"Oh, come on, you have that giant basement!" he says, sitting across from me.

"And people will be expecting alcohol! Do you have any idea what that stuff has done to my family?! If I have that at a party, who know's what'll happen!" I snap.

"Then we'll keep alcohol off the menu! Easy fix," he says.

"Fine, but I am staying in my room," I growl before going to class.


"Mom, dad, I'm sure you know Hiccup. He is to be hosting a party in our basement," I say to my parents on the couch as Hiccup walks in at my call. He rolls his eyes before greeting my parents as I head to my room. For the next hour, I hear the door bell ring a thousand times, and now, the music was so loud as it drifted up the stairs that it sounded as if it was right outside my door. I growl in annoyance and slam my laptop shut before storming to my door. I throw it open to see Miller, leaning against the wall with crossed arms and a smirk, behind a speaker that was blaring music into my door. He turns it down as I glare at him.

"Come on, I'll go with you," he says and I sigh before letting him lead me to the basement. 

Ten minutes later

My lungs would not slow down as I hid behind the bar, praying that I make it through this torture thing without anyone noticing me. I feel someone slink up next to me before they put their arm around my shoulders. I look to my right to see Hiccup smirking at me.

"Please don't tell me you're drunk," I whimper as his eyes glisten in mischief. 

"I might as well be, because I'm crazy enough to do this," he murmurs before caressing my head and pressing his lips to mine. 

I went rigid as he pulled me closer, scared by the fact that I didn't try to pull away. He then leans forward and next thing I know, I'm on my back, and he's on top of me, trying to force his tongue into my mouth. I tried to crawl away but he pulled me back and slipped his hands up my shirt. I tried to punch him but he was too close for my fists to gain enough momentum to be painful. His fingers started to poke my sides in an attempt to tickle me. All it did was trigger memories. I let out a muffled scream against his lips as Hiccup was replaced with Eret. He had a hungry look in his eye as he tried to rip off my shirt. I'm jerked back to the present as Hiccup is pulled off me by Miller, taking my shirt with him. I covered my chest with my arms and crawled under the counter before burying my head in my knees as everyone fell silent, the only noise being Millers enraged shouting.

"Listen, you son of a *****!" he screamed, "If I even think about you trying to talk to my sister again, you won't be able to walk for a month! And if I hear of you even trying to glance at her again, you will meet your maker a lot sooner than you'd like, and if anyone looks at her right now, I will make sure you die! Maybe next time you'll listen to her when she says she doesn't do parties!" I heard the familiar crunch of a nose being broken before everyone lets out pained "Ooh"s. "Gimme that!" Miller snapped, "Now everyone clear out before I call the cops!" I heard everyone trample each other to get up the stairs. Stormfly and Whisperwind lay on either side of me and rest their heads in my lap as I buried my face in my knees. Then, the dogs leave and Miller helped me put my shirt back on before wrapping me in his arms. "You okay, Ast?" he asks softly.

"Please don't make me go to school on Monday," I cried into his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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