Chance Imagine For FelyshaTrujill

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Felysha's Pov-

Today was my 18th birthday and I was excited because my best friends were coming and so was my crush, Chance Perez and his daughter. I've known Chance ever since I was little. I started to like him 2 years ago. I was now walking around my house looking for my phone because my friends hid it again.

"Felysha," I hear someone say as I turned around to see Chance and Brooklyn.

"Hey guys," I said as Brooklyn ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

"What about me?" Chance asked as I laughed and walked over to him and gave him a hug. "That's better."

"So, how have you guys been?" I asked.

"We've been good," Chance said. "How about you?"

"Good, until my dang friends hid my phone," I said.

"That's funny," He said as he laugh. "Wait, is that your phone?"

He pointed to the couch as I walked over and realized it was my phone.

"It is my phone," I said as I put it in my pocket.

"Daddy, I have to go to the bathroom," Brooklyn said as she tapped Chance's leg.

"I'll be right back," He said as he picked up Brooklyn and walked to the bathroom.

"Is that Chance?" B/F/N asked. (B/F/N means Best Friends Name)

"Yeah, how could you tell?" I asked.

"Because he's hot," She said as I slapped her arm. "Ow."

"Shut up," I said as Chance and Brooklyn walked back over.

My friend walked away and I started to talk to Chance and Brooklyn again. I only had a few friends over so they all left and it was just me and Chance.

"What, there's no cake," Brooklyn said.

"Felysha doesn't like for people to sing her happy birthday, so that's why I bought her a cake," He said pulling it out from behind him.

"Yay cake!" Brooklyn said excited.

"I actually bought two because I felt like it," He said as he took both of them out and put them on my table.

He opened them. I grabbed a knife and walked over to them. When I wasn't looking Chance put frosting on his finger and then put it on my nose.

"Hey," I said as I looked at him. I then put frosting on my finger and put it on his face.

"Brooklyn, you can go play in my room and I'll call you out when the cake is ready," Chance said as she skipped into my room. Once she was in my room I looked at Chance.

"It's on," We both said as I pushed the one cake to the side so we can eat that one later.

I grabbed a fist full of cake and threw it at him. It landed on his chest and then he threw the cake  at me and it landed on my face.

We then started to have a fight with cake. We were covered in cake and the walls were covered in cake and so was the floor. We were slipping and sliding everywhere. It was weird doing this with a person I like. I then slipped but I didn't hit the ground. I looked up and saw Chance holding me.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Yeah, thanks," I said as he nodded and helped me back up.

"How about we get washed off," I said as he nodded my head. "You can get the shower in my brother's room and I'll get the one in my room."

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