Chance Imagine For Guitarplayer_13

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Tori's Pov-

Anger was boiling up inside of me. My boyfriend Chance and I were fighting. We've had fights here and there but this fight was completely different.

"Can you just stop and listen to me for a second," Chance screamed.

"Why should I listen," I screamed back.

"Because you just jump to conclusions and never hear what I have to say. You don't know the full story," He screamed.

"What I do know is that you spend to much time with Emma," I fired back. That really got him mad.

Stinging and hotness was all I felt when my hand held my face. He just slapped me. He looked at me with sadness and hurt in his eyes. I looked at him with fear. I was scared about what was going to happen next so I turned around and ran upstairs. I shut our bedroom door and locked it so he couldn't get it. I then get on the bed and start to cry. I then hear the front door close and a car start from outside. He left. I was made at him but I was mad at myself. I always jump to conclusions and that made everything worse.

Before I completely fell asleep I unlocked to bedroom door hoping he would come back and lay down with me. My eyes then started to shut and before I knew it, I was out cold.

About an hour later I start to hear the front door start to open. I just stayed in bed hoping he would come in but he never did. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs but never entering the room. The footsteps then stopped. I went back to sleep but I missed feeling the warmth that came off of Chance's body. I then woke up and grabbed one of his sweatshirts and started to slowly and quietly walk down the stairs. I then see that Chance is sleeping on the couch.

Then this feeling came over me and I walked over to him and laid down next to him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer.

The End

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