Getting to know eachother

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After all that Alison says we have half an hour break, then we are to come back to this exact room to finish our intro day. As we walk out the door I turn to James and ask him if he would like to get something to eat and get himself a locker as well, James turns with a smile and nods, so I take I'm down stairs to see Mat to get a locker, I then take James to the mess hall to get food from the snack bar on the way out of the workshop I yell at Alex to see if he wants something but he shakes his head no and goes back to talking to his girlfriend on the phone.

As I'm walking to the top mess hall with James I then realise what he called me this morning

" you called me a little girl this morning" I said a little socked

James looks at me with a smile and says

" only now you've realised, my oh my perhaps the little kitten should have a daddy to take care of her?"

I blush and look away at what he just said, did he just offer to be my daddy?! Like really, I look up at James and think that maybe it won't be that bad.

"A-are you o-offering t-to be my d-daddy?" I ask nervously, afraid I will embarrass myself more than this morning.

"If that's what the little kitten would like, then I would be more than willing to be your daddy" he says with a big cheesy smile.

"Were at the snack bar what would you like?" I say turning away blushing whilst trying to change the subject.

James bends down and whispers "You" into my ear before bending back up and ordering a panini and a latte, he then looks at me as if to ask what I would like.

"Fanta lemon and magic stars please" I whisper before adding "daddy" I quickly turn away blushing but I can still hear him laugh at my reaction.

We then stand there and wait for his panini to be cooked, as we're waiting I turn to James and say

"I have a sort of rule book in my bag back in the classroom, it has rules for me and you, some nicknames we can call each other, punishments and rewards and things I like and don't like"

James looks and me quite socked at what I just said as though he wasn't expecting me to be that prepared.

" I'm guessing you've had a daddy Dom before then?"

"Nope just read a lot of ddlg stories on wattpad and looked at posts on pinitrest, your my first daddy and my first boyfriend" I say quite proud that he's my first.

That shocks daddy even further I don't think he quite expected that answer.

When his panini was done we headed back to class to sit in the hall to eat so we weren't late, that's one thing Alison hates is tardiness, we head into the class and Alison starts talking and hands us our time tables mine was different from James's because I had to resist English for the fifth time.

"Princess" daddy says rather confused and in a whisper

"Yes daddy" I whisper back

"Why have you got English on your timetable?"

"U-um w-well I-I failed English four times" I whispered the last part, daddy looked so socked at what I had just said.

"H-how did you manage that?" Daddy asked completely baffled at what he had just heard.

"W-well n-nobody taught me how to speak English u-until four years ago, our school would discipline us for speaking English, but four years ago they had to teach us English because so many of use were going to college"

Daddy looked even more shocked at what I told him.

"Well then princess, daddy will help you pass this time and will teach you what all the big words mean in your story books" daddy said with a big smile.

"Thank you daddy"

And before I knew it Alison said we had an hour to get something to eat so I took daddy to the bottom mess hall for him to get something to eat, daddy bought salad and a sandwich.

"What would you like princess"

I blush still unable to get used to being called princess by my daddy.

"Um chips p-please d-daddy"

"Of course my little kitten and what sauce would you like?"

"Mayonnaise and tomato please daddy"

"Sure thing baby girl" daddy says with a laugh

Daddy hands me my chips after paying I get a fork, some salt and vinegar packets and head to an empty table.

"Thank you daddy" I said quickly before he said anything about manners, daddy laughed because I said it so fast in came out as one word.

"Your welcome my little munchkin" daddy says with amusement.

Once we're done eating daddy and me head back up to mechanics to wait for our tutor to come back so I offer daddy one of my earphone buds and we start to watch one of my favourite Disney films 'black beards ghost' about twenty minutes into the film daddy stops it and I give a small whimper to which daddy laughs and says

"I know princess, I was enjoying that film as well but I can hear Alison coming up the stairs"

"Okay daddy" I say still slightly upset that we can't watch more of it which makes daddy laugh at my pouty lips.

"Behave little girl or daddy will have to give you a spanking" daddy says with a smirk upon his face especially when he sees my shocked look.

Soon enough we were back in the class now to get to know each other a bit better so I go back to talking to my daddy and say that we'll have to be partners in the workshop and then I ask my daddy if I can have his number and he can have mine, daddy smiles and then gets his phone out and gives me his number to which I immediately send a text to

To daddy: Eho :)

From daddy : hello cutie

I turn to daddy and smile then Alison says that it's time for us to go so I hug my daddy goodbye and walk to the bus station to go home instead of waiting an hour for the college bus.

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