A weekend at daddy's

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Ara's POV

It was the second weekend of November and daddy had said that Friday night I was going home with him to spend the weekend and he'll bring me back home after English on Monday.

That Friday morning I went to college with a small suitcase a big bag and a small bag with my phone and purse and tablet to do my work on in it, daddy took my small suitcase and my bag to his car safe until we got home that night.

We spent most of the day talking about what was going to be happening this weekend, after several hours of long boring lectures we headed to daddy's car to go to his house. When we got close enough to daddy's house that I could see it I started jumping up and down now my seat.

"Calm down baby girl, you'll get to look around soon enough"

I tried to sit still but I still squirmed in my seat so much that daddy thought I had to got potty oops.

"Hold onto it baby girl were nearly there"

When we drove into daddy's drive way he got out of the car and rushed to open my door to pick me up, daddy rushed through the front door and took me to the bathroom, lucky I guess I did really have to go, as daddy put me down on the toilet after pulling my big girl undies off I couldn't hold it in anymore, daddy sighed with relief that he got me here just in time.

""Stay here baby girl I'll be back now, I've just got to go and get your bags"

"Otay Dada" I said while sitting on the toilet still.

Daddy left the room and got my bags and put them in my room I think. I heard daddy open and close a door upstairs which I think is my room, I finished on the toilet, washed my hands and waited for daddy to come back for me.

Daddy came back and picked me up, he then carried me upstairs to a room with my name on it, daddy opened the door and to my surprise it was a big nursery full of baby things for adults. Daddy set me down on the changing table and put me into a diaper, daddy then went too a draw and pulled out a black onesie and put it on me, daddy left my black socks. On because they made me look little anyway.

Daddy placed a pacifier in my mouth and sat me down on the floor, daddy picked up a big piece of paper with the word rules written on it.

"These are your rules baby girl, if. You break any of them daddy will have to punish you understand?" Daddy asked. In a stern voice. I nod my head up and down, I felt like being in my really little space today. Daddy read the rules out loud to me.

1. Always tell daddy the truth
2. Hold daddy's hand in public
3. A princess always uses her manners * yes daddy, no daddy, please/thank you Daddy
4. No fussing over diapie checks
5. No sweets after 8pm
6. No swearing during little time
7. Bedtime is at 11pm
8. Brush teeth twice a day
9. Always tell daddy when something is wrong
10. Count spanks, tell daddy why you're being punished and thank daddy for punishment
11. Always tell daddy if you break any of the rules

After daddy finished telling me the rules he asked if I understood, I just sat there and nodded my head.

"Good girl" daddy said knowing I was in my very little space so I wasn't going to be doing much talking today.

Daddy picked me up and carried me over to an arch way which lead to a play room, there was a canopy with pillows, lots and lots of stuffies, a table full of colouring stuff and a sofa across from a tv . Daddy places me on the floor and let's me decide what I want to play with, I decided I wanted to colour, so I picked a colouring book and crayons, then laid down on the floor and started to colour.

"Stay there baby girl daddy will be back now" and with that daddy had left me alone in my playroom, when daddy came back he had a bottle with cranberry and raspberry juice, daddy gave me the bottle to drink then sat down on the sofa with his laptop and started typing on it.

Soon enough I've finished my bottle, I got bored of colouring so I get up and crawl over to the stuffies to play with. After playing with my new stuffies for a while my bladder starts to hurt from being full, I try holding it but I can't and go in my diaper. After I finished I made a small whimper sound which got daddy's attention, he looked up to see what was the matter, I whimper again then daddy smiles.

"Does my baby girl need a change" daddy asks with his voice full of amusement, all I could do was blush and nod my head, daddy gets up from the sofa and picks me up, daddy takes me to the changing table and un clips my onesie then starts to change my diapie, when daddy finished changing my diapie he carried me over to the crib and placed me in it, daddy then handed me mr cuddle bunny.

"I think it's time for you to go to bed baby girl, night night" daddy says while kissing my forehead, daddy gets his laptop from the play room and turns off the light before leaving my room.

Daddy came into my room the next morning when I started whimpering because I wet myself last night. Daddy picked me up and went to change my diapie, once daddy was done he got my long black baggie dungarees, my Maisie mouse top, my black socks with frills, my survey corps shoes and my princess jumper, daddy helped get me dressed before getting a diaper bag ready.

Once daddy had done that we went down stairs where daddy put me in a high chair and gave me cereal for breakfast without milk,because milk makes me icky. After breakfast daddy finishes getting ready and we head out the door to the car. Daddy opens the back of the car and helps me in before strapping me in. Daddy hands me my paci and a small dog stuffie that daddy bought me for traveling.

We drove for a really long time before I saw where we were going, when I saw that daddy was taking me to an aquarium I started squealing.

"Please stop that noise princess, I know your exited but if you don't stop daddy will have to punish you" at hearing that I do as daddy says and stay quite. When daddy finds a parking space we get out of the car and head to the entrance. Daddy pays for us to get in.

We look at all the pretty fishies and daddy asks me what I want to go and see, so I take daddy's hand and drag him to the sting rays exhibit where you can stroke them, I told daddy how my mom used to love these and would take me to see them when ever we went to an aquarium. After we saw all the fishies and had something to eat, I had to go potty, after I went I whispered to daddy that I needed a change. Daddy then headed to the family toilets and changed me . After daddy changed me we went to the gift shop to buy a souvenir. After getting a sting ray stuffie we went back to the car and started driving home.

Half way home I fell asleep in the back of the car listening to one of my favourite songs by 'Elvis', when I woke up daddy had changed me and put me in my crib, I cried for daddy. Soon enough daddy came in through the door looking half asleep.

"What's the matter baby girl?" Daddy asked still half asleep.

"Thirsty please" daddy then walked to a table by the dooor and came back with a bottle.

"There we go baby girl, now go back to sleep or you'll be tired in the morning" daddy kissed the top of my head and left the room.

The rest of the weekend went the same, I acted as daddy's baby girl and even earned my self a few spanks when I was naughty and called daddy a stinky butthead.

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