At home

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All I have to do now is wait a whole four days before I see my daddy again because we're in on Wednesday,Thursday, Friday and for me half day Monday for English in the morning.

When I get home I talk to my best friend Bella who was sharing an apartment with me, I never got to know my dad, he got sent to jail and was never seen again, my mom and grandfather raised me instead, and now I live with Bella.

I rush through the door to our apartment and tell Bella I have a daddy, she looks at me completely shocked then starts asking me for details, so I tell her everything about him, how he's kind and makes me feel safe.

Bella smiles at me before saying,

"I can't wait to meet this daddy of yours, he sound like the perfect guy to take care of you"

After the conversation and food I went to my room to be alone and watch 'Snow White with red hair' which was one of my favourite anime to watch, half way through an episode daddy texted me.

From daddy : I hope you've been good and brushed your teeth before bed xx

I look at the message rather confused, then I saw the time it was ten minutes to ten

To daddy : um not yet I'll go do that now, I kinda forgot😖, I was watching an anime daddy xx

I then ran off to go and brush my teeth before going to bed, I then got my phone back out and sent a goodnight message

To daddy : now my teeth are clean, night daddy love you😘 xx

I finish getting ready for bed and put my pyjamas on when my phone goes off

From daddy : good girl, goodnight sleep tight my little kitten 😘xx

And with that I went to sleep.

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