Bad girl

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I woke up at 7:30 am again this morning and decided I still wasn't going to talk to daddy today, he didn't say goodnight to me.

I decided that today I was going to wear my 'in memory of when I cared' top, a pair of black leggings, my survey corps shoes and hoodie, I put my hair in plats and headed out the door to the bus stop and talked to Rhys until our buses arrived, when I got on the bus I watched 'Moana' on my phone until we got to college, I still didn't have a message from daddy so I went to talk to Mat until five minutes before my lecture.

When I got upstairs daddy was waiting there looking rather annoyed, I decided I was gonna continue to ignore him, so I did, we headed into theory with Jason, daddy sat next to me still looking annoyed, but he said nothing to me for the duration of the lecture.

At the end of the lecture we had half an hour break so I rushed out and headed to the mess hall with Alex to talk to him for a while to annoy daddy even more, soon enough I had a message

From daddy : 15

When I saw this I looked so confused, what did daddy mean by 15?.
I decided to ignore the text and carried on talking to Alex until we went back to our lecture which was with Alison to have a one to one with her if we wanted.

Some of the boys had a one to one with Alison in the office whilst the rest of  us did what we wanted on the computer room so me and Alex decided to watch some bike trick videos on YouTube, that made daddy even more annoyed, my phone went off again.

From daddy : 25

25? 25 what, I still didn't understand I looked at my phone so confused before giving up and ignoring daddy's message again, I go back to watching the video with Alex until Alison says that we can go for food early, so me and Alex rush off with the other boys to go to McDonald's, again my phone goes off,

From daddy : 35

35? Why does the number keep on going up, oh holly guacamole that's the amount of spankings I'm getting for ignoring him, uh oh I'm so gonna be sorry when daddy gets ahold of me.

To daddy : I'm sorry I was annoyed at you, you didn't message me goodnight or good morning, so I decided to ignore you too please don't spank me daddy 😭 xx

Once we get our order we head back to college and we pay towards petrol for taking us to McDonald's.
Daddy is standing outside waiting for me with a stern expression, Alex turns to me and laughs.

"Looks like someone is in trouble~" he says in a sing song way before running off to ring his girlfriend

"U-um I-I'm s-sorry d-daddy" I cry, daddy hugs me tightly rubbing my back.

"Princess I'm sorry I didn't message you I never meant to make you upset, now I understand why you were ignoring me but I'm still gonna punish you for getting in somebody else's car"

"O-okay d-daddy, t-tonight?"  I ask between tears just to make sure

"I promise kitten I won't punish you in college" that makes me happy, we then head up to the classrooms to eat in the hall.

"Want a chip daddy? I've also got a 99p burger for free because of my student card you want it?"

Daddy looks at me with complete shock but soon smiles

"Please princess" daddy says with a smile, soon we both have finished eating and the boys are back from their little drive and we head into our theory with dez, which I fall asleep in again which everyone laughs at again, soon enough I'm woken up by heather this time who was laughing at me.

"You should go to bed earlier instead of partying" heather says laughing and nudging me, heather is like a best friend she's there to make you laugh when you need it and get up to no good with as well.

At the end of the day daddy takes me home where he then comes inside, I'm glad Bella isn't home tonight I don't want her hearing me get scolded by my daddy.

Daddy sits down on one of the dinning table chairs before calling me over.

"Same as before princess, count after every spank then say thank you daddy at the end you'll get ten spanks today, do you know why?" Daddy asks using his stern daddy voice.

"B-because I got in somebody else's car daddy"

"That's right baby girl now stay still or daddy will add to the amount understood?"

"Y-yes daddy"



















"Last one baby girl"


"TEN" I yell whilst crying

Daddy picks me up and places my sore bottom on his knees and hugs me whilst rubbing my back

"T-thank y-you d-daddy" I say between cries.

"Your welcome princess, now I think it's time you got ready for bed baby girl" daddy said, his voice back to the careing voice.

Daddy got me washed dried my hair, brushed my teeth and helped me get dressed in my pyjamas, then kissed me goodnight before telling me to lock the door behind him when he leaves.

After daddy left I sat there and thought I can't wait to live with daddy so he can tuck me in at night and wash me and dress me.

"hmph I want to live with daddy" I cry out loud glad no one was around to hear me.

I soon fell asleep ready to wake up for college tomorrow.

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