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Ara's POV

Daddy hadn't spoken to me in a few days, even when I was in college, daddy seemed to be on his phone a lot and rushing off in the afternoon, I sighed thinking about this before deciding to go out with my friends, as we were walking around I saw daddy with another woman.

She looked so mature and she had heels and a pretty dress, I watched as daddy practically flirted with her, and it upset me, I decided to ring daddy and that's when I saw him look at his phone before sending me a busy tone! I ran off crying, I hate him he's not even worth being called a butthead he's an asshole!

I got home and decided to runaway, from here to move somewhere else, I said to Bella that I was going away for a bit, and she nodded her head thinking I was going to him but I wasn't, I packed a bag and a suite case before leaving the apartment and locking it.

I then went to another friends house and stayed there with her and it was fun to catch up with her for the first time in a year, Mr Butthead was still ignoring me and it really did hurt, I sat there and cried to Sophia about how much it hurt, and she did her best to calm me and make me feel better.

James's POV

I hated the fact I was being forced to ignore all my phone calls including Ara , but that's the way my sister was, I had to pay attention to her and it must be really hurting my baby girl, I'll try and call her later! I took Angie out for food and talked to her, she was actually curious about this little I've got myself.

I told her all about Ara and how she would throw a tantrum over me spoiling her, but she would eventually give in after crying for ages, Angie laughed at that, I showed her pictures of Ara and she cooed about how cute she looked "Hey Angie, I know you don't want me to answer my phone but I've been ignoring her since you've been here"

Angie looked shocked then annoyed "you dumb ass she's your little, don't ignore her because of me!" I looked at her shocked before nodding my head, I got up and went outside to phone her, up she was ignoring me now as payback for hurting her, Angie came outside and talked to me "Well?"

I sighed before telling her "she's ignoring me now as payback for hurting her" Angie laughed before going to get in the car "well let's go see her dumb ass!" I sighed but my sister was right I am a dumb ass, I drove to her apartment to find that she wasn't there, her friend said she thought Ara was at mine.

I thanked her before tracking her phone, I drove to where it said she was which was a little house, I got out of the car and knocked on the door, the door opened to reveal Ara who looked like she had been crying a lot, I hugged her tightly as she cried into my chest, her friend stood behind her and looked annoyed.

"So this is Mr Butthead, ASSHOLE! How could you hurt her by cheating on her and ignoring her!" I looked at her shocked before speaking "oh god no, I was with my older sister and she's a stickler for not using phones when you have guests!" Her friend seemed to calm down a bit but she still didn't look completely convinced.

"Ara baby, come home!" She shook her head no as I hugged her "Please baby I didn't mean to hurt you!" She started crying again, I picked her up and placed her on her friends sofa before taking Ara's bag and suitcase to the boot of the car before picking Ara up and thanking her friend as I placed Ara in the back of the car where she fell asleep.

When I got home, Angie took the bags into the house for me as I carried Ara up to her nursery, I changed her into a diaper and clean Pyjamas before placing a pacifier in her mouth, I got her blankie and placed it in the crib before placing Ara and her stuffie in there.

I turned on the baby monitor and walked out of the nursery to apologies to Angie she just laughed and said "it's not me you need to apologise to idiot, it's your baby girl!" I nodded my head as I said night to her before heading to bed, but as soon as I got to my room I heard Ara whimper on the baby monitor.

I shifted before going to check on her, she was sitting up and crying in her crib while hugging her stuffie, I picked her up and hugged her as she cried before walking into my room to get changed and cuddle her in bed "I'm sorry baby girl, I've got to get changed then you can cuddle me all you want Okay?"

She nodded her head as she snuffled, I got changed before climbing into bed at pulling her under the quilt and into my chest, she nuzzled into my chest and calmed down before falling asleep.

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