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We have a week off from college for Halloween, which is my moms birthday, she lives out in France so I had to get a passport to go and visit her.

Daddy surprised me on Friday before the week we had off, daddy was gonna take me to Paris so I can go to Disneyland for the first time ever, I couldn't wait but I asked daddy if while we in France could we go see my mom to give her a card and present on her birthday then go trick or treating.

Daddy smiled and said yes to everything I asked of him, that weekend I started packing everything I could think of that I would need. Daddy picked my up in a cab on Sunday and we flew out to Paris to get settled into our hotel, which was the one really close to the entrance, when we got to our room there was only one bed, I looked confused at daddy.

"There's only one bed" I said completely shocked it made daddy laugh.

"I know princess but your too little to sleep on your own so your gonna sleep with daddy"

What daddy said made me blush a thousand shades of red if that's possible.

"Okay daddy"

"Now then baby girl, daddy has a surprise for you"

"What is it?" I half squealed to the point daddy looked at me with a stern face as though to say don't do that again.

"Now if I told you that it wouldn't be a surprise, now close your eyes until I say you can open them"

I do as daddy says and close my eyes while sitting in the middle if the bed, I hear daddy walk away from the bed then come back and place something on the bed.

"Okay baby girl, you can open your eyes now" daddy says exited, I open my eyes and see a bag on the bottom of the bed, I drag it over to me and look at daddy confused.

"Open it princess, everything in there is for you"

I do as daddy says and open the bag, the first thing to come out of the bag is a little black dress, I then start taking out the rest of the stuff there was

- hello kitty changing Matt for and adult?
- a black baby onesie for an adult
I carry on pulling things out getting even more nervous with every item
- pacifiers
- baby bottles
- princess patterned baby diapers for adults
Oh my gosh daddy wants me to be his baby girl for this trip, I look at daddy and smile.

"Daddy can I pwease wear the dwess and diapie" I ask daddy trying to sound as little as possible.

"Of course you can baby girl, but if daddy puts you in a diapie you have to use it ok?"

"Yes daddy" I say really exited to try this new experience.

daddy picks me up and places me on the floor before putting things back in the bag, daddy puts the Matt on the bed and leaves out a diaper, baby powder a pacifier and the black dress, daddy then goes to find my black Dollie shoes and my over the knee cat socks, before going to get my stuffie mr cuddle bunny from my bag.

Daddy then picks me up and puts me on the Matt and puts a paci in my mouth and gives me mr cuddle bunny, he then starts to undress me but leaves my bra on, daddy lifts my legs up swiftly and places the diaper under my butt before lowering my legs again, daddy then puts some baby powder on my princess parts, that were shaved just like daddy had asked me to do before we left.

Daddy did up the diaper nice and tight before he started to put my socks on me, daddy then sat me up and put my dress on me, daddy then plated my hair in two. Daddy packs a small bag with some spare diapers, bottles of cranberry and raspberry juice, changing mat, baby wipes and powder. Daddy then finds my black survey corps hoodie and puts it on me before putting my shoes on.

Daddy takes out my paci out of my mouth and places it in the bag.

"Ok baby girl leave mr cuddle bunny here so he's safe, and don't forget to hold daddy's hand so you don't lose him today" daddy said before leaving the hotel room to go to Disneyland.

Daddy paid to get in and got a map, daddy then Surprised me again with a book and a pen.

"For you to get it signed by your favourite characters"

I leapt at daddy and hugged him.

"Tank ew daddy"

After a long day of walking around getting autographs, going on rides daddy and we went back to our room where daddy then checked my diaper.

"Princess why didn't you tell daddy you went potty?" Daddy asked sounding rather disappointed that I didn't tell him.

"Because I was embawesed" I cried softly looking down at the floor knowing I had disappointed my daddy.

"Well let's get you out of the dirty diaper and into the bath before bed"

Daddy placed the mat on the bed and placed me on it just like this morning I had mr cuddle bunny and my paci, daddy took off the dress, my shoes, my socks and then my diaper before carrying me to the bathroom where daddy had run a warm bubble bath for me.

"Okay princess, daddy bought you another present" daddy left the bathroom and came back with a rubber duck and what looked like a crayon.

Daddy then took the crayon and wrote on the tiles before giving it to me.

"See princess to can draw whilst in the bath now and it will wipe off" whilst I drew on the wall daddy started washing me before stopping me so he could wash my hair. Once my hair was washed daddy got a big fluffy towel and pulled me out of the bath.

Daddy dried me off and dressed me in a clean diaper and pyjamas, then daddy got ready for bed and we both got in bed, I had mr cuddle bunny and my paci, daddy kissed me goodnight before turning off the light to go sleep.

Three day time skip because I'm lazy

Daddy and me headed to my moms house to go give her her present and card, when we got there we both got a big hug, mom dragged us both in and we sat there and talked for a while until daddy said that we unfortunately had to go because it was getting late, I kissed my mom good bye and promised to try and visit more often.

Me and daddy went back to the hotel where daddy took off my diaper and put me in pull ups, after daddy did that I put on my survey corps costume and my wig so I looked like Isabel. Me and daddy then left the hotel to go trick or treating, when we got home daddy helped me get undressed and put a diaper back on me and put my Disney pyjamas on.

Me and daddy then sat down and watched a film until it was my bedtime, we watched 'a nightmare before Christmas' where I sang along to all the song including my favourite 'what's this'. After the film was finished daddy kissed me goodnight and turned the light off.

When we woke up the next day, me and daddy packed everything back into the right bags except mr cuddle bunny who I was holding tightly onto, we then rushed to the airport and headed home, daddy kissed me goodbye and left, when I got into our apartment Flo was there and we talked about all that happened with me and my daddy.

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