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Ara's point of view

Daddy woke me up early this morning, and he was up and dressed with my diaper bag ready, daddy picked me up and put me on my changing table and changed me before helping me get washed and dressed in a clean diaper, black baggy dungarees with my AOT top, black frill socks AOT converse and AOT hoodie.

Once I was ready daddy took me down stairs to the car and strapped me into the back seat before rushing back in to grab my diaper bag and a piece of folded bread with nuttella and butter on it for my breakfast and a baby bottle.

Once daddy's given me my food and locked the house door we head off to my mystery day out. After what seemed like forever daddy finally pulled into the car park that I knew, we were going to see duckies! Daddy got me out of the car and got the diaper bag before locking it and taking my hand and paying for us to get in.

Daddy took me to the main desk and bought bird seed for the geese and duckies and my favourite, pink quackacks, he also grabbed a map before grabbing my hand and taking me to the bathroom to change me before we went on a walk to see all the duckies.

Once I was changed daddy led me outside to the first pond where there were big mean geese that tried biting me, so I hid behind daddy who threw some seeds away from us for them to eat and they left while daddy just laughed at me. We kept on walking around seeing all kind of pretty ducks of different colours and sizes. After seen loads of pretty and scary duckies and big mean geese daddy found a picnic bench by a play are and set a blanket down for me to sit on.

Once I sat down daddy wiped our hands clean and grabbed the food he had packed and handed it to me to eat along with a sipy cup instead of a bottle, after I finished eating and daddy had cleaned my hands and face, we went to play in the play area for a bit before I got bored.

"Daddy~ can me pwease go see the pink quackacks now?"

Daddy laughed while looking confused and nodded his head, before letting me look at the map and dragging him off in the direction of the pink quackacks. When we got to their enclosure daddy started laughing when he realised what I was on about, we staid and watched them and even fed them, before daddy decided to head back to the main building.

On the way back I saw my favourite geese, the Canadian geese I pointed at them and pulled on daddy's sleeve to show him, but he just kept on walking so I stopped until he realised I wasn't following him.

Daddy's face turned dark and his voice went low.


I stood there and shook my head, I didn't want to move I only wanted to feed them, daddy looked at me frustrated and with a raised eyebrow, so I started to cry which made him rush over to hug me tightly.

"What's the matter baby girl?"

I snuffled before speaking into daddy's chest.

"Me owny wanted to feed the geese~"

Daddy hugged me tightly before speaking calmly while rubbing circles on my back.

"Why didn't you say so then sweetie?"

"But me twied!"

Daddy just calmed me down before taking my hand and walking me over to one of the geese and letting me feed it by hand which always tickled so I ended up laughing which made daddy smiled, after all the seed was gone daddy grabbed my hand and took me inside to the toilets to wash my hands and change me.

Once my hands were clean and daddy had changed me he took me to the pond dipping in the back of the building which was cool but really creepy looking at them under the microscope, once we had done that daddy washed my hands before taking me to the gift shop.

Daddy bought me a pencil, rubber, chocolate and a pink quackack stuffie, once daddy paid for them he picked me up and carried me to the car where I fell asleep after my long day of fun and scary things, holding my new stuffie tightly. When I woke up daddy had changed me into my pyjamas and I had Mr cuddle bunny and my new stuffie that daddy bought me today next to me. When I realised I was wet I cried for daddy who got up half asleep to change me before taking me in to sleep with him.

James's point of view

When I woke up the following morning I got Ara washed, changed and dressed before taking her down stairs for breakfast, which was pancakes for a change. once we had eaten our food I decided to ask her if she enjoyed yesterday, and she nodded her head, but then shook it when she remembered the big mean geese.

But her face soon lit up when she called me over to the sofa where she climbed in my lap and showed me a video of a really Annoying song, 'the duck song' she then said how her and some of the boys last year used to say that's what Jason looked like because he waddled away, she then started laughing at her rude joke.

I calmly turned the song off and placed the iPad to one side before picking her up and laying her across my knees, and it seemed to hit her hard that what she did was rude, to make fun of others. She tried really hard to squirm free of my grip but I didn't give her a chance, I pulled her diaper off and spanked her 10 times for her rude behaviour, I band her from watching any tv and on top of that she was to have an early bedtime tonight.

Ara pouted and started playing up and acting bratty so I increased her punishments to the point I took away her stuffies and placed her in time out but nope she was in full brat mode which resulted in more spankings with a switch this time and I sent her straight to bed. And after a lot of scream and yelling she finally fell asleep.

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