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Ara's POV

It was another boring lecture with Des and even daddy had fallen asleep, but the annoying thing was it felt like there was going to be a storm and I don't like storms, and tonight I was going to be staying at daddy's house, so it shouldn't be as bad as when I'm on my own.

After the long boring lecture daddy woke up and we went to get food, but daddy made me walk, a And I didn't like it, it was dark and eerie, and it was dead quite, that's the part I hate is the calm before the storm, it makes it even more scarier because you just sit there in the quite waiting for it to strike!

We finally got the food and were back in college, but it was getting even darker and I really wanted my stuffie from daddy's car! Daddy seemed to notice me feeling uneasy so he sat me in his lap as we ate food, when we went to our next lecture we had a power cut which meant no lectures because our classrooms don't have windows.

Daddy grabbed my bag as we headed to the car, he strapped me into the front seat before driving off to his house, when we got there I grabbed my bags and rushed inside the house and up to my room, I left my things there and grabbed mr cuddle bunny and a blanket before running back down to daddy.

"Daddy, can we watch a film please?" Daddy nodded his head as he went to get a bottle of apple juice for me before picking me up and taking me upstairs to put a diaper on me, once that was done daddy took me back downstairs to the living room and put 'rugrats in Paris' on and sat me on his lap with the blanket wrapped around me as I hugged mr cuddle bunny and sucked my paci.

Daddy's POV

I watched as Ara relaxed in my lap, right before a clap of thunder was heard, she jumped in my lap and whimpered as the lightening lit the sky, I hugged her tightly as she whimpered and cried with each clap of thunder, she did her best to watch the film, Well that was until the power went out, she screamed loudly before crying her eyes out.

It hurt me so much to think that she had to deal with this on her own before she met me, I turned her to face my chest as she cried, I carried her upstairs to my room and laid her under the covers before getting under myself and pulling her into my chest.

Soon enough she fell asleep in my arms despite the thunder, she did wince every now and then in her sleep but she didn't wake up, and despite the fact it was only 4pm I ended up falling asleep myself. I was woke up by Ara screaming as she sat there crying, she must have woke up at some point before the storm started again.

"Ara, baby it's okay, daddy's here, you should have woke me up!" She snuffled as she leapt into my arms and cried, I hugged her tightly as she calmed down, and soon enough the electric came back on because we could hear the Tv playing the beginning title of her movie.

I got up and carried her back downstairs to the living room to watch the rest of the movie, by the end of the film the storm had gone and Ara was fast asleep again, I slowly laid her down on the sofa as I went to make us food.

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