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Ara's POV

Daddy said I was going to be moving in with him today and I was so exited I loved the time I got to spend with Daddy on the weekends and holidays, soon enough Daddy was outside with a moving van, he came inside and helped me load the van up, once everything was in the van I went to say goodbye to Bella.

I gave her my key back as she was also gonna be moving but closer to her uni, after hugs goodbye I got in the van with Daddy who started to drive us home, once we got home Daddy helped me unload the van and unpack everything and put them away, once all the ucky adult stuff was done, Daddy took me back to the nursery.

Daddy then changed me into a diaper and a unicorn onesie before handing me mr cuddle bunny and carrying us downstairs to the kitchen Daddy set me in the high chair before making us Dino nuggets, chips and peas, once food was ready Daddy placed it on the table before giving me my bottle of cranberry juice.

After making a mess Daddy cleaned me up before setting me free from the high chair and carrying me to the sofa where mr cuddle bunny was, me, mr cuddle bunny and Daddy sat on the sofa and cuddled while watching Ponyo, me and Daddy watched it intensely before I fell asleep on Daddy.

Daddy's POV

As we were watching the film Ara fell asleep on me so I carefully got up and laid her back down on the sofa with a blanket over her before going to make the lasagna ready to put in the oven tonight, after it was made I cleaned up the mess I made before checking on Ara who was still asleep, I kissed her forehead softly before going upstairs to have a quick shower.

After my quick shower I got dressed before turning around to find my Baby girl standing by the door half awake, I smiled at her before speaking softly "hello Baby girl, did you have a nice nap?" She nodded her head as she rubbed her tired eyes, I smiled as I checked her diaper before carrying her to the nursery, I changed her diaper before carrying her downstairs and out to the van.

I drove us back to the rentals, I got her out of the car and carried her inside where I gave them back the keys before getting my car keys back, I placed Ara in the front seat before getting in and driving us back home, we played on the wii for a bit before I had to put the lasagna on, once it was in the oven I got the plates and cutlery out ready.

I sat back down and tickled Ara before checking her diaper again, I changed her quickly before placing her in the high chair while I dished food up, once again she ended up in a mess so I decided to leave her in a mess in the high chair while I putted the dishes in the dishwasher.

Once that was done I went upstairs and started running a bath before coming back downstairs and getting her out of her high chair before carrying her upstairs to her bubble bath, I checked the water temp before placing her in the bath, after the usual messy bath, I got her out and dried before dressing her in clean diaper and my little pony pyjamas.

I carried her into my room before putting Tangled on as we cuddled up in bed, about halfway through the film she fell asleep hugging me tightly, I turned the film off before cuddling her back as I fell asleep happy that I've got my Baby girl to look after forever.

A/n I have started writing the next chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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