the english exam

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Ara's point of view

It was now January and daddy was still helping me get ready for my English exam which was tomorrow. He gave me some random questions to answer and checked my spelling and punctuation and corrected me if I was wrong. After 8 hours revision with breaks daddy sent me to bed early so I would be well rested.

This was the first ever exam I was nervous about because I didn't want to disappoint my daddy by failing especially after he's revised with me since September. Daddy got me up washed and dressed in time to go to my exam, he then sat outside and comforted me until it was time to go into the exam.

Boy was this exam hard but so was every other English exam to me, but I had to do my best for daddy.

After 2 hours I finally came out of my exam to find NO DADDY! I sat down and whined while pouting, my daddy had left me, perhaps he knew I was going to fail and didn't want me anymore. I got up and ran away crying to the bus stop to go home to my apartment. When I got home I ran straight to my room and locked the door, Bella wasn't going to be home for a while so I played my chemical romance I'm not okay full blast.

James's point of view

She's been in there for two hours she's probably hungry
I headed to the canteen to go and get her food but there was a long que and not much food so I decided it would be better if I went to the garage to get her some food.

I drove over to the garage and got her and me food and started to drive back over to the college, when I got there they had all left the exam hall.

To ara : where are you Baby girl? Xx

I waited but there was no reply from her so i decided to go to her apartment to see if she was there.

When I arrived she didn't answer the door but she was there I could hear her music, then my phone won't off

From ara : butthead

Boy was I glad that Bella had given me a spare key to the apartment incase I needed to get to ara.

I opened the door and headed to her room, boy was her music loud, when I tried opening her door it was locked.









As I was about to say four the door flung open with an annoyed ara standing there with tears running down her face.

"What's the matter baby?"

"Y-you leaft m-me"

"Oh baby i went to get you food"

Ara's point of view

Daddy was standing there holding a bag with food in it.

"I-i thought you didn't want me~"

"Oh baby I'll never stop wanting you, but I am going to have to punish you for leaving without telling daddy and calling him a Butthead"

"B-but you leaft me~"

"If I'm not there you stay put and try and ring or text me not storm off and have a temper tantrum!"

"I-im s-sorry~"

"I know you are Baby girl but you still have to be punished, you will write ten lines saying 'i must not call daddy butthead'"


"I'm not finished yet baby, you will then get ten spanks, five for running off and five for interrupting daddy while he was talking to you"

I nodded my head and set off to go write my lines after twenty whole minutes of writing ten lines I was now getting ready for my ten spanks from daddy, I pulled my big girl undies off and started walking into the living room with my head hung low.

When I reach the chair daddy was sitting on I laid myself across his knees ready, daddy pulled my skirt up and patted my bottom.

"Good girl for taking your big girl undies off ready"

Daddy placed a hand upon my back and started spanking me.





















"Good girl, now lets go and get you cleaned up and ready for bed, and if you don't mind daddy will stay here tonight"

I ran off to my room and got my towel ready for my bath that daddy was running me.

"Come here then kitten"

I ran over to daddy to where he started undressing me, daddy lifted my up and placed me in the bath tub, he washed me and my hair before getting me out of the bath and wrapping me in my towel and carrying me to my room to dress me in my pyjamas.

Daddy put my grumpy pyjamas on me before taking off his shoes and trousers, daddy then got into bed and pulled me in too and hugged me all night long.

A/n how was that? I know it was probably crummy but hey I'll learn and please don't be afraid to offer advice on things that maybe I could do different thnx xx

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