Back to college

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After work experience yesterday at the same garage I have been at for the past two years I went home relaxed thinking about Wednesday when I would get to see daddy again, I couldn't wait for my bedtime to come around.

Well Wednesday couldn't have come around fast enough I leapt out of bed with joy that I get to spend today with my daddy, I rushed to get myself ready put my hair in plats and put on some shorts, a black shirt that said 'I'm not short I'm just compact and incredibly adorable' my black frill socks and my survey corps converse shoes and then my survey corps hoodie and set off for the bus stop to wait for Rhys to talk to.

To daddy : morning daddy can't wait to see you this morning love you xx

I then put my earphones in and started listening to my little playlist on my phone until Rhys came and we started talking about an episode of  'food wars' that he had watched then my phone vibrated

From daddy : morning baby girl daddy can't wait to see you as well I'll be in the bottom mess hall with food for you love daddy xx

When I looked back up Rhys was getting on his bus to go to college and waving goodbye to me, five minutes later my bus turned up and I went back to listening to my playlist. When we got to college I ran off the bus to go see my daddy in the mess hall where he was waiting like he said with breakfast for me.

After eating breakfast we headed to the workshop to get changed for our three hour practical lecture with Jason, who I asked if James could be my new partner I worked with through out the year which made daddy smile, Jason laugh and Alex sad that he had to work with someone else.

Once again Mat had decided he was gonna put his music on to play in the background of our lecture, I was so happy when uptown girl came on I started singing and dancing along with Mat which made everyone laugh.

Me and daddy stripped a whole engine apart and did all the tests we had to on it and put it back together in those three hours we had which made Jason smile I hadn't worked that well since my first level when I had the boys who were like older brothers and took care of me.

In my first year in college me and Alex were the youngest in the class and we still are, the older boys used to work on cars with me to help me. When they used to go to the village down the road or out for food they would take me with them and I would have to walk in the middle, one day I decided that I didn't want to walk all the way so I said I was going back to college, someone said ok and I headed back.

An hour after, the boys came running up the stairs in a panic until they saw me that's when I got told off for scaring them half to death, they thought I had been kidnapped, after that I wasn't allowed to go unless I was gonna go all the way. The boys even used to walk me to the bus station in the afternoon and wait with me until the bus came, I miss them it's a shame they joined the military.

Jason said that we now had an hour and a half break, I smiled at that news.

"Daddy do you want to go for a walk to get something to eat?"

"Were would we go?" Daddy asked rather confused

"My oni chans used to take me to this place for food when they were doing mechanics" I said confusing daddy even more

"Ok let's go, but I thought you were an only child?"

I nodded and told daddy about the older boys who used to take care of me as we walked to this garage holding hands

When we get there I choose what I want which was a crunchy bacon roll, watsits, Fanta lemon and magic stars, daddy didn't know what to get so he got the same as me and we headed back to go eat it in the hallway, I made daddy laugh by making a man out of my watsits.

We finished our food and we went into our theory lecture with Dez he had this voice that would make you fall asleep, daddy sat next to me at the back of the class, we started taking notes and before long I had fallen asleep in dez's lecture again which ended up with me being hit across the head with a book. Everyone was laughing at what had happened some had even gotten pictures to show me what I looked like.

After two hours of dez's boring lecture it was time to go home, daddy once again took me home but this time he didn't stay he had to go straight home, so I gave daddy a goodbye kiss and went into the apartment.

After food and talking to Bella about her day and mine I went to get ready for bed but this time I got completely ready before texting daddy goodnight but I didn't get a goodnight message from daddy so I sulked and decided I won't talk to him tomorrow.

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