Scotland !

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A/n I am so sorry I haven't updated in ages guys, I've just had a bit of writers block and tons of essays and assignments to write and do, so any way hope you guys enjoy and I'll try my best to update more frequently, oh and if anybody has any chapter ideas please comment xx

Ara's POV

Daddy and me were going to Scotland to find Nessie and also visit my bestie Midge! She moved to Edinburgh to go to uni, after packing everything daddy helped me get everything in the taxi before getting in and waving goodbye to the house. When we got to the airport daddy put our bags on a trolley thing and held my hand as we sorted everything out, once we were checked in daddy let me go toilet before or plane was called.

Our bags were on the plane and me and daddy were sitting down and were getting ready to watch Scooby Doo and the Loch Ness monster. After what felt like a long flight we got off in Edinburgh airport and checked into our hotel before going to visit Midge in uni, when we got there she was so excited to see me, she had been nagging me to visit her for months and finally I could come see her.

Midge who's nickname no longer suited her since she was now taller than me! Showed us around the uni, we even got to see this huge 6 floored library, once we had seen everything thing in uni we went into town to see all the different shops before going to get food in a nice restaurant she had been to loads of times.

After the really nice food, we headed back to uni because it was getting dark and said by to Midge before walking back to our hotel.


Daddy woke me up the next morning and got me up and dressed before we caught a train to the Loch Ness, daddy took me to see the castle and it was so much like the one in Scooby Doo, daddy took lots of silly photos of me and him. We stopped to eat the packed lunch that daddy made before going to the Loch to search for Nessie.

I spent most of the day there looking for Nessie but she never turned up! Daddy picked me up and carried me back to the train and back to the hotel while I cried about Nessie not being real! Daddy patted my bottom gently which caused me to fall asleep.

Daddy's POV

I'm so glad she fell asleep, I've been trying my hardest not to laugh at her because she thought Nessie was real, once we got back to the hotel I changed her before putting her to bed and looked for something else to do for tomorrow, but all I could think of was taking her and her friend out somewhere, maybe a park?


I got Ara washed and dressed this morning before taking her for breakfast and going to pick her friend up, as we walked to a nearby park that I had found on the maps last night, they talked nonstop about boys, and kink books? Ara started flailing her arms around as she tried to shush her friend muttering that I didn't know she wrote them?

When we got to the park Ara jumped up and down before dragging her poor friend towards the swings, they played on them and talked even more about how other people they knew were and how college and uni was going, and who had the most Assignments to do.

After about 3 hours of those two running around and talking we went for food in a nearby restaurant which was really posh and expensive, but I didn't really mind. Once we had eaten our food we then went shopping, her friend bought loads of books which ended up in all 3 of us carrying the books back to her dorm, Ara kept on making Jokes about how her friends dorm would become part of the library if she wasn't careful.

As soon as all the books were set down in her dorm we talked for a little while longer before leaving and heading back to our hotel room to get ready to head home, after all we only came over for the weekend.

Ara's POV

Daddy got me up early and he was all dressed and the bags were all packed except one which was because daddy had to get me ready, once I was up and dressed daddy closed my bag and we headed to the airport and checked in before shortly after boarding our flight home.

When we got back to Bristol airport daddy took my hand in his and we got the bags before heading outside to the taxi which took us home, I was never so happy to see the house, well except from when I first saw it, daddy got the bags out of the taxi as I unlocked the house and ran in to face-plant daddy's bed, daddy walked in to his room dropped the bags took off mine and his shoes before plopping down next to me and falling asleep hugging me.

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