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Finally it was December my favourite month, why?, because it was only twenty five days till CHRISTMAS! I was so excited this was gonna be my first Christmas with my daddy, and he had promised to take me to the Christmas carnival thing which stays up until the end of January.

Daddy started coming over every other weekend and I went over to his every other weekend and we would watch Christmas films and go shopping for things for Christmas.

Daddy came over on a Saturday morning to get me ready for our day out, daddy got my long black baggy dungarees, a long sleeved black shirt, my princess jumper, hat, my sheep scarf, survey corps gloves, my black frilly socks and survey corps converse shoes, daddy then put me in the bath and washed me and my hair like he did when I stayed over at his house.
After daddy got me washed and dried he put me in a diaper and started dressing me up all warm for our day out, daddy then put my hair up in plats, we said good bye to Bella and Flo who was staying over for a while to catch up before going out the door, daddy opens the back door of the car, helped me in and then buckled my seat belt before getting in the driver seat and heading off to the carnival thingy .

We went on all the rides, we went on a Ferris wheel, the waltz, roller ooh and my favourite the carousel, we played the carnival games and daddy took me to see Siôn corn who I was afraid of, I have been since I was little, he's very scary, so much so that I started to cry I didn't want to see him but daddy wanted a picture of me with him, so I braved it for daddy who bought me a stuffie for being a big girl for him. I didn't mind the real Siôn corn, I just didn't like the fake ones.

Daddy drove me home to his house because that's where we're spending this weekend at. Bella and Flo had left to go to their families for Christmas not long after me and daddy left this morning.

Daddy asked me what films I watch for Christmas so I gave him a long list from my favourite to least.

1. White Christmas
2. Bob the builder a Christmas to remember
3. Die hard
4. scrooge
5. Santa clause 1,2 & 3
6. Arthur Christmas
7. Nightmare before Christmas
8. Muppets Christmas carol
And lots more that if I listed here it would be too long

Daddy let me watch all these film up until Christmas Eve which I spent over at daddy's big house with the Christmas tree that we had decorated, my mom wasn't coming over until two days after Boxing Day and Bella had gone home to her parents.

Daddy sent me to bed at eight tonight so siôn corn could come quickly, so daddy took me to my nursery and placed me on the changing table where he changed my diaper before putting me in my favourite Christmas pyjamas and then daddy puts me to bed with my favourite stuffie mr cuddle bunny and a goodnight kiss.

As soon as I'm asleep I start to dream of what daddy got me for Christmas and how silly daddy will look when I put a silly Christmas hat on him that I hid in his stocking.

Before I know it I'm wide awake with a wet diaper, I don't know what time it is but I climb out of my bed and waddle to daddy's room, where I try and wake daddy up to tell him I'm wet, daddy slowly stirs awake.

"Good morning princess somebody's exited for Christmas" daddy says half asleep with a husky voice

"I-I'm w-wet" I say between sobs, daddy shoots up from bed, picks me up and carries me straight to the changing table and changes me into a clean diaper, after daddy done that we headed down stairs to go and open our presents from Siôn corn.

Daddy bought me loads more stuffies, baby things, diapers, cute clothes, books and anime's that I wanted, I sit there playing with my new stuffies waiting for daddy to open his presents from me. Daddy opens all his presents and is really happy daddy then looks in his stocking and sees the silly hat I got for him, I crawl over and put it on daddy. Daddy smiles and thanks me for his presents but he had to go and cook Christmas dinner now.

While daddy was cooking dinner I fell asleep on the floor. Daddy must have noticed because when I woke up I had a blanket over me, I whimpered when I realised I had wet myself in my sleep, I've been doing that a lot recently.
Daddy came and checked my diapie before picking me up to go and change me.

After watching some more Christmas films, food was ready. Daddy dished everything up then he came over to pick me and place me in my high chair and places a plate with food on it in different sections, daddy also gave me a bowl with stuffing and apple sauce like I used to have when I was little.

After food daddy and me played with my toys until daddy put me down for a nap, once I woke up from my nap I had wet myself again, so I whimpered for daddy to come and change me, after daddy changed me we watched some 'studio Ghibli' films before bedtime.

Daddy set me down for bed after changing my diapie and putting me into pyjamas for the night, daddy gave me a goodnight kiss and left the room, I soon fell asleep.

A/n hope your enjoying the book so far, for those who don't speak Welsh siôn corn is what we call Father Christmas

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