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Daddy's POV

Today Ara seemed unwell, I got up and ran her a bath, once it was full I got her up and undressed her before slowly placing her in the bath, she didn't enjoy it like she normally did, she just laid limp in the bath as I washed her, once she was all clean I lifted her up and wrapped her in a towel before letting the water out of the bath.

I dressed Ara in a diaper before putting her pyjamas on her, I placed her in bed before grabbing a bottle full of cranberry and raspberry juice and giving it to her, I then got the thermometer and checked her temperature, I panicked seeming as it was really high, I grabbed a diaper bag and a bag of clothes, before putting them in the car.

Once they were in the car I wrapped Ara in a blanket as I grabbed the bottle and mr cuddle bunny before placing her in the front of the car, once I got in I drove Ara straight to the hospital, when I got there, I got the two bags and her out of the car before carrying her into the hospital.

The nurse checked her over before taking her to a hospital bed where he put an IV line in her and took bloods, I looked at Ara in the bed and she looked smaller than usual, I sat there with her until she woke up, because as soon as they gave her antibiotics she fell asleep, I watched as she hugged mr cuddle bunny happily.

Ara was still asleep and it was now dinner time so I went for food and picked up something for her just incase she woke up hungry, after I ate my food I went back to Ara's hospital bed where she was just stirring awake "hello baby girl~" she smiled at me weakly as her stomach growled, I asked a nurse if she was allowed to eat but she wasn't.

She wasn't even allowed to drink anything until she had tests done, but luckily for Ara they took her down to do some tests on her, after an hour and a half they brought her back up, and she was a blushing mess, once she was back on the bed i asked her "what's the matter baby girl?" She blushed as she whispered that she needed a diaper change.

I chuckled as I closed the curtains before changing her, once she was changed I pulled the curtain back and disposed of the diaper in the bin before a nurse came over smiling saying she was allowed something small to eat, I showed the nurse what I had before she nodded saying that was fine, I gave Ara the sandwiches I bought her.

I watched as she ate them slowly, now all we had to do was wait to see if she could handle the food, after waiting for a few hours she had managed to keep the food down, the only downside was they still wanted to keep her in overnight to observe her, I sighed softly as I knew that meant I had to go home.

I stayed for as long as I could before kissing her forehead as I tucked her in before heading home, once I got home I looked at how quite and empty the house seemed without her here, I sighed as I got washed before climbing into bed and trying to sleep.

Once I woke up I got washed and dressed before heading to the hospital to see Ara, but when I got there she was being moved to another ward, I picked her stuff up as I followed them, when we got there a group of doctors talked to her about what they found wrong with her, it wasn't serious but it was making her icky.

Ara had to go without food and water this morning like she had to last night after the sandwich before they take her for her op, I held onto her stuffie as they took her to the operation room, after several hours they brought her back up "she might be a bit disoriented for a while, because of the anaesthetic" I nodded my head as I thanked them.

After several days in the hospital Ara was finally better to the point I could take her home, once I got her home I made sure I watched her every move so she didn't do to much or hurt herself, I was careful when washing her, and no matter how much she begged I wouldn't do the nasty with her, which made her grumpy.

After struggling with her stroppiness about not doing naughty things I gave in and played with her but that was it, she was slightly happier that she was no longer tingling but grumpy that I was stopping her from doing lots of things, I sighed as I explained to her why, it didn't help much, she just ignored me as she curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

A/n sorry for shitty update xx

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