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Not much happened on the weekend daddy texted me in the morning and at night, but daddy made a mistake when he woke me up early on Sunday morning, I got grumpy and called daddy a big mean butthead which has earned me a time out when daddy sees me next.

Once again my alarm went off at seven thirty to wake me up for my half day of English in college, I grumbled and dragged myself out of bed and got myself ready and headed to the bus stop to talk to Rhys for a while, soon enough the both of us had got on our buses, they arrived at the same time today.

When I got to college I went to get a bagel from the top mess hall for breakfast, that's when I saw daddy standing there with one ready for me.

"Why are you here daddy? You don't have any lectures?"

"Because princess, daddy said that he'll help you with your English, I've already talked to your lecturer and she's allowing me to come into your lecture to help you"

I stood there with my mouth opening and closing not sure exactly what to say except

"Thank you daddy"

"Your welcome princess" daddy said rather amused by my reaction.

We then headed up to the English department to wait for my tutor Jodie, while we were waiting daddy was reading a big book with me it was '20,000 leagues under the sea' by Jules Verne, I liked the film but the book had lots of big words I didn't understand, but daddy did his best to explain to me what they meant.

Soon enough Jodie and the rest of the class turned up and our lecture started, we had to write a bit about ourselves and why we chose english, daddy helped me write big paragraphs and corrected my spelling mistakes so I didn't make them again, I sat there and thought that this time I'm definitely going to pass this time.

Soon enough it was time to leave the English class, I now had to wait and hour for a bus home, but daddy stopped me from giving him a hug good bye to walk to the bus stop, I let a small whimper slip past my lips which made daddy laugh.

"It's ok princess, I thought that maybe instead of waiting for a bus home you would like daddy to drive you home instead?"

"Yes please daddy" I squealed whilst jumping on daddy to hug which gained me a big laugh from daddy at my display of affection.

We then headed to the car park where daddy opened the passenger door for me and buckled me in the seat, this made me feel really little, I liked it, daddy then got in the drivers side and turned to me to ask where I lived, so I told daddy and he put it into a sat nav thingy in his car and set off to drive me home, when we got there Bella opened the door and smiled whilst she came running out squealing.

"Hi you must be James, I'm Bella, you wanna come in?" She said rather quick that it made daddy laugh

"I would love to come in" daddy said with a smile

The three of us then head into the apartment and sit in the living room, Bella and daddy talk for a really long time, so long in fact that I fell asleep on daddy, when I awoke Bella had gone to out to meet up with our other friend and daddy was hugging me closely.

"Had a good nap there baby girl?" Daddy whispered

I just nodded my head still half asleep.

"Use your big girl words please princess" daddy said with a very stern voice.

"Yes daddy, do you want to see my room?" I ask daddy still half asleep so I sound very little.

"I would love to see your nice clean room baby girl"

That's when I think oh crumbs I hadn't cleaned my room in weeks and everything was messy in there, daddy must have guessed by the look on my face.

"Well then if your room isn't clean we shall have to sort that out then won't we?"

Daddy said again with a stern voice which made me feel very little and all I could do was nod and squeak a faint

"Yes daddy"

Daddy laughed  before helping me clean my room, my room wasn't quite the way I wanted it.
It had a day bed in it with a canopy over it, a bookcase with films another with books, there was a net hanging in the corner of the room holding my hoard of stuffies, except for my favourites which were on my bed, there were shelves going all the way around the top of my room with sylvanian families and my fairy collection, and the walls were painted black and decorated with posters from films and anime.

Daddy helped me put my books back on their shelves and films and games back on their shelves, then he spotted my rabbit on my bed,

"And who is this?" Daddy asked whilst holding my rabbit.

"Mr cuddle bunny" i say whilst snatching it from daddy's hand, which ends up with me over his knees quicker than I could yell titan.

"Now princess you I'll get five spanks for being rude to daddy by snatching your stuffier from my hands, I want you to count after everyone and at the end say thank you daddy, understand?"

"Yes daddy"









"Last one now baby girl"


"F-five" I cry the last one, daddy picks me up and sits me on his knees and rub circles on my back whilst I hug mr cuddle bunny and cry.

"T-thank y-you d-daddy" I cry

"I'm sorry princess but you won't learn unless daddy disciplines you, now it's time for you to put mr cuddle bunny down and sit in time out for calling daddy a butthead"

I then went and sat in time out until Bella came home at which point daddy said he had to go home now and he would see me Wednesday, me and Bella had a sandwich for food then I went off to bed after brushing my teeth and sending a goodnight text.
to daddy: brushed my teeth night night daddy xx

As usual I finish getting ready to go bed and put my pyjamas on and get a message

From daddy: goodnight baby girl sleep well and don't forget to get up early for work experience tomorrow xx

Glad daddy reminded me I then set my alarm ready to get up for work experience that all of us have to do on a Tuesday in local garages.

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