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A/n sorry took a while to update was exited about going back to college to find a daddy Dom but no luck 😔 any who enjoy and please comment some name ideas for female and male characters for one of my other stories x

Ara's point of view

I was in college when Bella faced timed me to say there was a party~ while dancing awkwardly, but unfortunately for me I forgot I was in class!,ooops!

Everyone looked at me quizzically whilst I frantically tried to turn of the volume, needless to say boy I was glad my battery died. Soon enough everyone started laughing and said it was funnier than me sleeping during dez's lecture and yelling about titans!

Daddy just gave me a stern look as though to say I'm not going,boo~

After that I headed home without daddy and rushed into the apartment and there stood Bella and Flo.

"Hey I'm taking you guys to a club!"

Me and Bella started laughing before running off to get ready, i wore my black cat ears, bell,baby girl braclet that daddy gave me, black meow jumper, black ripped denim shorts and black flats.

Bella wore a blue top and leggings with trainers. Flo wore jeans and a crop top with heels.

We then got in Flo's car and drove to this club,oh my god it's a kink club!

We got out and walked into the club, Flo picked up a ribbon with bdsm written on it.Bella didn't choose one and i left it because i had my braclet.

Flo ran off upstairs to the meeting ground where as me and Bella staid down stairs in the relatively normal part of the club.

James's point of view

I hoped that she was not planing on going with her but she ran off before I could take her home. I went home and got changed before driving to Ara's apartment where I saw her leave wearing cute clothes.

I decided to follow them that's when I saw she was heading to a kink club, boy is she going to get a hiding for this!

I wait a few minutes before heading into the club where I see her and Bella sitting at a table with a few boys.

I started to head over to her table.

Ara's point of view

As I was talking to my old friends from school I thought I saw daddy, I did,omg he's going to kill me!

"U-um guys my daddy Dom is behind you"

They all turned to see a rather annoyed looking daddy.

"So this is the guy who's caring for our baby sister!"

Daddy's face seemed to soften a bit before he turned to look at me.

"I don't care who they are, this is an inapropreate place for you!"

I looked down at my lap before speaking.

"We thought it was a normal club that was until Flo spoke about a meeting ground then chose a ribbon. But me and Bella didn't want to do that we just wanted to do silly dancing!"

Daddy seemed to think about it before speaking.

"Tell Flo that you two are leaving with me"

Me and Bella look at eachother before speaking up.

"But daddy we can't leave her alone!"

That's when Flo comes down stairs looking rather pale.

"Are you okay?"

"Um yeah I just don't think that it's for me!"

"O-okay daddy said he's gonna take me and Bella home!"

Flo then looks rather disappointed before speaking.

"Sure thing that saves me driving back to yours I can go straight home, night guys!"

And with that Flo left and daddy dragged me, and i dragged Bella, we then headed out to his car where me and Bella got in the back.
Daddy made sure we both were buckled in before driving off.
Daddy dropped Bella off at hers before heading off back home where he helped me out of the car when we got in daddy handed me an iPod.

"This my little kitten is your iPod, I've put all your favourite songs and put in playlists so you can listen to big girl music with your favourite little songs or without!"

I sqeald while tackling daddy in a huge hug, before running off and putting the iPod on the dock and playing music full blast.
I did silly dancing, I even managed to get daddy to join in Aswell, this was so much better than a silly club!
After a whole lot of silly dancing and bad singing daddy said it was time for PIZZA! I ran into the kitchen and ended up sliding into a cupboard and hitting my head.
I sat there and cried as daddy got an ice pack before trying to calm me down. I got to sit on daddy's lap and get cuddles while eating my pizza.
After pizza Daddy took me to the bathroom and gave me a bath before diaparing me and placing me into a big top to wear for bed. After getting me ready daddy placed me down in my crib and kissed my forehead goodnight, before turning off the light.
But I wasn't tired so I climbed out of the crib with Mr cuddle bunny in hand and went to back down stairs to watch cartoons, After about an hour daddy must have gone to check on me because he yells my name to which i responded with hiding behind my stuffie.
Daddy turned the tv off before picking me up

"Come on baby girl it's past your bedtime, and don't think you're going in punished!"

He carried me upstairs before putting me back in my crib, despite my tantrum, he kissed my head goodnight, turned off the light and waited for me to fall asleep.

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