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A/n sorry I'm not very good at smut scenes so hope you enjoy and kinky unicorn = a joke in mechanics, which is unicorns are always horny so a kinky unicorn is someone horny xx

Ara's POV

Well I'm glad I've been having the contraceptive injection because I was now sitting on daddy's sofa trying not to fidget because I was feeling like a really kinky unicorn, but I couldn't help but fidget and daddy seemed to notice because he stopped watching the film and turned to me "is someone feeling like a kinky unicorn?" I slowly nodded my head as daddy smirked.

Daddy picked me up and carried me to his bed where he laid me down and took off my knickers with his teeth tantalisingly slow before leaning back in to my princess parts and licking it as screamed with ecstasy at this new found pleasure, I could feel daddy smirking against my princess parts before he pulled away and kissed me passionately as he slowly rubbed me before he entered a finger.

I tried to wiggle away from daddy, because I've never done anything like this before, daddy was the first thing to touch there, he held on to me and applied a second finger, before he added a third "are you ready for this little one?" I nodded my head as I bit my lip, waiting to feel what I've only read in books.

Daddy pulled his hard throbbing member from its confinement and aligned it before slowly pushing into me as I cried with a mix of pain and pleasure, as soon as daddy was all the way in he staid still until I wiggled then he moved slowly in and out, before pulling it nearly all the way out then thrusting it back in roughly.

Nobody's POV

The room was filled with lude sounds as with each thrust grunts and groans of pleasure and ecstasy escaped his lips, while she held her moans in, until a slap echoed throughout the room "you've been a bad girl, let daddy hear those moans" and as if on cue an ecstacitic scream escaped her lips as he pounded into her roughly.

As he leaned down to kiss her she took this opportunity to leave a love bite, a favour of which he returned, and as he took one last sloppy thrust they both reached their climax at the same time, he pulled out and collapsed next to her before she spoke.

"Daddy If I'm your bad girl then I need to be punished~"

He turned and smirked at his precious baby girl before getting up and returning with a tie, he wrapped it around her hands and placed them above her head, before pulling her across his lap and whipping her smooth behind, she moaned as the pleasure rippled through her from each painful strike of the crop hitting her bare ass.

Daddy's POV

I slowly felt my leg get wet as Ara became aroused by the pain and pleasure caused by the crop, but I stopped and lifted her up before lying her back on the bed and played with her a little bit longer before going to run a bath, as soon as it was full, I went back into the bedroom and untied Ara before carrying her into the bathroom and got in the bath with her

After I got us both washed and dressed I went downstairs it stopped when I heard her complain "why didn't you let me cum?" I laughed as I turned around with a smirk on my face "that's your punishment baby girl, now come downstairs and help me make food"

Ara followed me downstairs before walking into the kitchen and helped me make our own pizza, after food we watched a film, but halfway through I went upstairs and cleaned the bed, before coming back down to get Ara ready for bed. I placed her in a clean diaper and pyjamas before kissing her goodnight and placing her in the crib.

Ara's POV

After daddy left me alone, I decided to try and finish what he started, I pulled my bottoms down before undoing my diaper and playing with my self, I tried to be as quite s possible, but apparently I wasn't quite enough because daddy stood by my crib and looked down at me disappointed.

But I really couldn't care I tried to carry on but daddy grabbed my hands before wiping them with wet wipes and putting mittens on me, before doing my diaper back up and pulling my pyjama bottoms up as well and walking back out of the nursery and turning the light off.

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