{Chapter 2}

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Steve's POV

The first night in the dorms sucked.

I was lucky enough to come during the one year that California was having a freezing winter. So that night was full of tossing and turning. I was so cold that I even considered jumping into bed with Bucky, his sheets were lined with fur and looked incredibly warm.

But seeing as I wasn't actually going to do that I stayed in my freezing cold bed, with my freezing cold sheets.

The next morning was Sunday, and I didn't start classes until tomorrow. I tried to sleep in for a little longer but a strong scent practically dragged me out of bed. I slowly slipped out of my covers and sat down on my bed, rubbing my eyes so I could actually see.

The dorm was fairly big, and Bucky's bed and desk were on the other side. I could still smell coffee from across the room. He sat at his desk typing something up and next to him sat a tray with two Starbucks cups in it.

He heard my bed creaking slightly, and span around in his chair to face me. "Morning Steve,"

"Morning Bucky," I yawned.

"I um," He held out one of the cups, "I noticed you tossing and turning in your sleep and well, I got you a cup,"

My eyes lit up. "Oh Buck..." I said as I crawled out of bed and walked over. "Thank you so much,"

"I didn't know how you took it so I just got milk and sugar, same as mine," He smiled before turning back to his computer.

"That's how I take it anyway," I smiled. "So, what're you typing away at so eagerly at...8:30 in the morning?"

"I'm just finalizing my schedule and my classes, stuff like that," he replied.

"Don't you have to do that two days before your classes start?" I asked.

"Yup," He answered. "My classes don't start until Tuesday, I arranged my schedule so that I don't have classes on the weekend or Monday. I can't stand Monday,"

I nodded, "I have classes everyday except Friday and the weekends,"

"Maybe we could hang out this weekend," He said, not looking up from his computer.

"Yeah, maybe" I smiled fixing my hoodie. I slowly realized that I had slept in nothing but my underwear and my MCR hoodie...and my high socks.

My face turned red and I slid back over to my bed

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My face turned red and I slid back over to my bed.

"And done!" Bucky exclaimed smiling. "Oh-I like your hoodie, MCR is one of my favorites. I like Twenty One Pilots more though,"

"Yeah, they're pretty cool too. I have hoodies for a lot of things that I like," I said reaching down and pulled out a bunch of my hoodies from a bin as I sat crossed legged on my bed.

He rolled his chair away from his desk to the front of my bed as I laid them out. "So, this one is a 'Love' sweater that's from Supernatural, here's a TOP sweater, ummm," I pointed each of them out until he interrupted me.

"You have a S-H-E-R- Locked sweater!" He smiled, picking it up. "Have you seen season 4?"

"Ugh," I groaned, "I hated the queerbait-"

I realized that I didn't know his opinion on the LGBT community, and started fumbling over my words. "W-Well I t-think what Moffat w-was goin-

"I totally agree!" Bucky yelled "John and Sherlock can't have chemistry like that, and you can't kill off Mary and NOT have payoff!"

I smiled, he ships it.

I went over the rest of the sweaters with him and we talked and hung out for a bit. When I finally checked the clock it was 10. "Woah, 10 already?" I jumped up, "I gotta finish decorating,"

"Can I help you?" Bucky asked. "I've got nothing else to do today,"

"Sure!" I smiled. "I'm too short to do some of this stuff anyway,"

So for a little while he helped me hang up lights and posters, and we played around with where to put my pillows. In the end I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the result.

"It looks cute Buck, thanks for the help!"

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"It looks cute Buck, thanks for the help!"

"No problem, wanna help me decorate over here?" he pointed behind him at his side of the room.

"Sure!" I exclaimed as I took a sip of my coffee.

So than we did that, at one point since I had extra lights I offered them to him. He accepted and while I was setting them up, I almost fell over from staying on my toes for too long. He wrapped his hands around my hips and lifted me up.

My face was surely red as I finished up the lights, and when he set me down I exhaled so sharply. I didn't realize I was holding my breath.

We finished up and his side looked amazing as well. Staring proudly at our work, I instantly took to social media to share it.

 Staring proudly at our work, I instantly took to social media to share it

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"What's your snap? Oh and your instagram and Tumblr- Bucky stopped. "Sorry that was weird,"

I laughed as I sat on my bed. "Nah, here's all my stuff," I handed him my phone.

He typed on his phone as he put my info into it, and when he handed me my phone back I looked at it and saw he made his contact "Bucky Bear🐻". I couldn't help but laugh at the name.

I took a picture of our dorm and added it to my Snap story. After a few minutes of scrolling through Tumblr, I got a notification.

I went to Snapchat and saw Bucky had commented on the pic.

"Omg it looks so good, who helped you? He must be awesome,"

I smiled as I thought of a witty reply.

"Did you just assume my assistants gender?"

I heard him shift and laugh on the other side of the room.

Yeah, nothing else productive happened for the rest of the day.

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