{Chapter 18}

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I'm back from the dead!! 

Thank you guys for being so patient with me on this update. I recently graduated college and I was just trying to let it sink in. I got a job and now I'm ok. I'm in therapy for my anxiety attacks and I wanted to thank you guys for the kind messages when I mentioned it. 

This chapter is in Peter's POV


"Ned, I need your help!"

Ned jumps from his spot, spilling half his chips on the table. "Peter, what the hell!" Michelle looks at them both and shakes her head before going back to reading her book.

"I have a date tonight and -" I stuttered before Ned cut me off with a laugh. "Hold on, one minute you're tell me how no one will ever want to date you and now you all of a sudden have a date?"

"Yeah, it's with the guy I told you about that kicked Rumlow's ass and got him kicked out." I explained and Michelle but down her book fully invested in my rant. "You have a date with Wade Wilson?" she asked and I nodded and explained how he's picking me up tonight and I'm not sure how to prepare myself. I've never been out with anyone, I've never been outside periodt.

"Just be yourself Peter, you have nothing to worry about," Michelle reassured me and I smiled at her kindness. "Peter no one wants that," Ned said. Wow, what a great support system I have.

"You need to wear something other than, well just no science pun t-shirts. This guys is cool, drives a motorcycle, and you need to put on something that would look good while you're behind him on his bike,"

"Or under him in his bed," Michelle muttered under her breath and I blushed and just walked out of the cafe. Geez, now I have zero clue on what to do. You know what, fuck it, I'm going to call my best gay for this. I should've done this first, I don't know why I went to my straight friends for advice on a gay date. C'mon Parker, get your shit together.

I dialed the number, and after the second ring he picked up.

"Peter? What's up?"

"Steve, I need your help,"


After talking with Steve, I felt a lot better about my date with Wade. I got ready in a simple white t-shirt, black jeans, and a red hoodie. I fixed my hair and went outside by the senior dorms where he wanted us to meet.

I sent Wade a text telling him I'm outside, and a few minutes later the door opened and damn he looked good. "Hey baby boy, ready to go?" he asked snapping me out of my trance

"Uh yeah, let's go,"

Wade handed me a helmet, and after he started his bike, I hesitantly climbed on and wrapped my arms around him. I blushed being this close to him, and felt just how muscular he is.

After driving for about 15 minutes, we appeared at a really nice looking restaurant and Wade parked his bike out front. He helped me off the bike, and held my hand as we walked in. He winked at me, and got us a table. The place wasn't super crowded which I'm thankful for, I hate crowds.

The waiter came up and handed us menus. "My name is Harley, and I'll be your waiter for the night. What can I get you to start?"

"I'll have a water please," I said and Wade ordered a diet coke and some mini chimichangas to start.

"Chimichangas?" I asked and he smiled. "The best food ever invented! You'll love them I promise,"

Harley came back and handed us our drinks and appetizers. "Enjoy," and left winking at us both. I blushed and chugged my water. Wade laughed and shoved 4 chimichangas in his mouth. "Try one" he said still chewing and I giggled and ate one of them. They were shockingly good.

We ordered our food, me having chicken parmesan and Wade steak nachos, a side of fries, and another diet coke. This guy can eat.

"So, why did you transfer here?" I asked. "Ironically, I got into a fight," Wade explained how there was this guy named Francis who kept teasing him for the scars on his face and one day Wade had enough and threw him against a bookshelf. How he managed to lift a guy I didn't question, and telling by how buff he is I'm sure he's capable of throwing Steve across a football field.

I guess he noticed me laugh and asked what was so funny. "No, I was just picturing you throwing Steve across a football field." I said and he laughed. "I would never throw my cupcake across a football field,"

"Cupcake?" I asked. "Yeah it's what I called him and Bucky when we first met because of how sweet they are together. Cheesy I know,"

"No, I like it,"

"I like you more, baby boy," he said and grabbed my hand across the table. I smiled and saw Harley approaching us with the bill. "Ok lovebirds, it was a pleasure serving you tonight,"

"Thanks man," Wade said and paid for our meal.

He drove me to the Freshman dorms and after I hopped off his bike he asked. "Does my face bother you?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion and shook my head. "Why would you think that?" Wade sighed and explained how I looked scared when he fought Rumlow and maybe his face scared me. "No Wade, I was only scared because some really big guy started beating on the school bully. I have no problem with your face, I like you,"

After I said that he smiled. "I like you too,"

I got on my tip toes and kissed him. He grabbed my waist and kissed me with more passion.

After a few seconds I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. "Thanks again for saving me," 

"Anytime baby boy,"


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Who saw Far Frome Home? I want to know your thoughts 

And yes, the waiter was Harley Keener from Iron Man 3 and Endgame. The kid we all didn't know lol I feel bad but damn he grew up on me. 


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