{Chapter 22}

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Bucky’s POV

Graduation is coming up soon, in about a month we’re all going to be officially adults and honestly I’m scared. All my 4 years of college I have studied almost everything and still nothing. I have no idea what I want as a career. My dad, when he visited, had asked me what my plans were and I couldn’t come up with an answer. How sad is that? 

I know Steve is going to do great out there. He’s one of the smartest people here, along with Tony, Bruce, and Hank. And for that, Dean Xavier had chosen him as valedictorian. He didn’t pick Tony because he would probably talk about himself for hours, not Bruce because he’s got stage fright, and definitely not Hank because he’s … Hank.

Anyway, I’m currently sitting in the counselor’s office waiting to talk to Mr. Ross. His job is to help place kids in jobs that best fit their skills, and I have none. 

"Mr. Barnes, you may go in," said his secretary. I walk slowly into the room, seeing a bunch of posters with quotes from Martin Luther king Jr and Malcolm X. Mr. Ross was typing on his computer when he noticed my presence. "Ah, James please sit," 

I didn't even bother correcting him. "Hello sir, how are you?" I asked nervously. 

He smiled and took out a folded from his drawer. "I'm doing well, so let's get started. I see that you've been studying Special Education this semester. Is that a goal? To work with special needs kids?" 

I sighed, "Not completely, I do want to work with kids but I also want to do music. But I'm not sure, I'm just really stuck," 

"Well that's why I'm here, so let's go over a few career options and write down which one sparks an interest in you," 

Bucky smiled. Maybe this will help..

Steve's POV

I looked over the email again. 

It hasn't changed. 

I went to get a coffee. Came back, refreshed the page. 

No changes. 

I met Peter at the park to take photos. That took an hour. 

The email stayed the same. 

I, Steven Grant Rogers got an email to become a Special Education teacher, in New York City. It's at a high school, where preppy kids go and it pays hella money. My mom knows already since we have a joint email account so whatever I get she sees. 

I haven't told Bucky yet. I'm not sure if he'll take the news right, since he's not set on his career yet. I know he's meeting Mr. Ross right now and will be back any minute. Will he hate me ? Resent me for having a job before graduation? I'm so nervous I wish I could turn back time so I could never have applied.

But I applied before I fell in love with Bucky. And I would never change that.

I never thought I would have to choose a love over a career. I sighed and shut off my computer, the lock screen of Bucky and I slowly fading away as it shut down. 

As if on queue, Bucky walked through the door with a beautiful smile on his face. I immediately felt better. 

"Good news?" I asked as he walked over to my bed and sat next to me removing his red converse. 

He chuckled in response, and kissed me. I returned the kiss and looked into his blue grey eyes. "Nope,"

Wait. What? 

"No? Then why are you laughing?" I asked confused. Has Bucky gone mad?

"We went over every career possible, and I just couldn't figure out what I wanted. And maybe I never will? So after graduation it'll be you and me against the world baby," he said and kissed my cheek and went to retrieve his guitar from the corner of the room.

Now I feel like shit. There's no way I could tell him now. 

"Yeah, me and you Buck. Till the end of the line," 

He smiled and started playing New Light by John Mayer.


So like...when's the Marvel movie? I'm bored lol

I finally saw Detective Pikachu today and wow that ending had me shook


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