{Chapter 6}

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Bucky's POV (still at Outback)

We finished eating and I payed for the meal, after arguing with Steve for a bit. We made our way outside, and the snow was up our ankles, and the wind was really strong. Stevie put his hand up to his face to block the snow and he shook from the cold, so I grabbed him again and picked him up. I pulled him close to my chest to keep him warm as I walked to the car, he put his face into my jacket and shivered. I put him into the car and than got in myself, I put the heat on and drove back to campus after I gave him my jacket. He cuddled into it and wiped the snow from his face and hair.

We basically did the same thing going into campus, but we were running this time. Finally making it into the building, we sighed in relief feeling the warm gust of heat hit out flushed faces. We laughed and walked back to our dorm room and I pulled out a bag of baked lays from my bag. I offered him some, which he took graciously. I layed on my bed and grabbed my computer, I went on Wattpad and read some Septiplier books, a little Klance, and a little Destiel.

Steve's POV

It was about 9pm when we got home, and Bucky instantly got on his computer, I did the same. After he put his head down, reading something I think, I walked over to him and poked his shoulder. "Can I turn the light off?" I asked quietly.

"Sure," he said and put his headphones back on.

I turned off the light and put the hanging lights on a low setting, which made him smile softly as he turned his computer and laid down. I took off my jeans and sweater. I pulled on my ankle sock and curled up into my blanket-

"Your blankets," I stated to Bucky as I sat up, "Do you want them back?" he had already changed and put his computer away so he was just laying down relaxing when I asked him.

"No, no it's fine!" he assured me as he got up and walked to his bag. "I brought another thin blanket I could use," he pulled out a small blanket with a little bit of fuzzy lining. I felt bad but I smiled as he layed down and snuggled into it.

"Night Stevie..."

"Night Buck..."

Steve's POV (morning//7am//)

I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ear and Bucky groaning as he cracked his back on the other side of the room. I pulled the covers off of me as I sat up and I, almost immediately, got goosebumps all down my arms as it was so cold. I looked to my right and saw my window was fucking wide open.

"B-Bucky can you close my window please?" I asked as I slipped out of my bed and walked over to his.

"Yea sure Stevie, gimme a sec," He cracked all his fingers and crawled onto my bed, standing on his knees and pulled my window shut. The room was still cold but it definitely got warmer. I put on my jeans and looked at my shirt, back down at my sweater, and shrugged, I'll be fine without a shirt underneath.

I was incorrect.

I finished getting dressed and waited for Bucky to finish packing his bag, since mine was already packed and ready to go. I brushed my fingers through my hair, and Bucky put his shoes on and then we left to our first classes. I noticed we were going the same way.

"Buck, what are your first classes?" I asked him as I looked down at my schedule.

"Special Child Education and than art," he said off the top of his head. I smiled seeing as we had both classes together.

The class was pretty much what you'd expect from your first class there, however, I was singled out. Our teacher, Mrs. Oseff, knew almost all the students round town or from older siblings and then there was me...She asked me to stand up and talk about myself, the typical "would you like to introduce yourself to the class" kinda thing.

I didn't stand, I stayed sitting and said, "My name is Steven Rogers, you can call me Steve though, I'm from Brooklyn, and I do eat a lot, since food is like god, I'm just naturally thin..." I heard some girls scoff and whisper "lucky" but most people just smiled and moved on.

I turned and smiled at Bucky, and I couldn't seem to stop for most of the period.

Bucky's POV

Of course I noticed him staring at me all period.

I didn't look at him or acknowledge it cause even out of my peripheral vision he was so fucking cute. I sketched and relaxed all period cause I'm friends with Ms. Oseff from when I used to help out at the animal shelter for the past 3 years.

That was where I got my Black Lab, Max. One night I was helping at the shelter and they came in with an older dog who had just got hit by a car, he wasn't hit that hard though, so he recovered quickly. He was so energetic and so loveable, and as he healed I took care of him at the shelter, I fell in love with him. Eventually, I got him but since I live in the dorms I sent him to stay with my mom in Oregon after she offered to take him.

I was jarred out of my thoughts as the bell rang and I put my notebook back in my bag, erasing the small little sketches first. I waited for Steve as he packed up his things and we walked to out next period class.

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