{Chapter 4}

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Steve's POV

I awoke to a strong aroma from the other side of the room, only getting a sense of deja vu when I saw Bucky sitting at his desk with two Starbucks cups sitting next to him in a tray.

I looked next to him and noticed his blankets were gone, and they weren't on the floor or anything. Confused, I sat up and yawned realizing that his blankets were over here on me!

"Buck..." I mumbles as I gently lifted the heavy blanket off my body and stepped onto the cold floor. "Did...Did you give me your blankets?"

"Yes," he replied spinning around in his swivel chair and stood up. "Yes I did," he smiled proudly, making me blush and return the smile.

He handed me a cup and I pulled up the sleeves of my oversized white hoodie over my hands as to not burn them. I slept in a white hoodie and black shorts, but the shorts were so short and the hoodie was so long that it covered them, and my legs were completely bare up to my upper thigh, which would've made me uncomfortable but Bucky didn't seem to mind.

"How were classes today?" He asked with a smile. "I assume you found Nat and everyone else?"

"Well, they kind of found me actually," I laughed as I sat on his bed and he sat back down on his swivel chair. "And yeah, it was great! I I learned a lot about you and the group. Its nice to be out publicly," I smiled while rubbing my neck as he sipped his coffee.

"Can I do something for aesthetic purposes?" He asked, to which I nodded and smiled.

He walked over to me and picked me up bridal style, and sat me down at his desk. He moved to make his bed and than mine, and closed the blinds of all 3 windows. Of course it was very dark, so to stay out of his way I clung to the chair. He did something which I couldn't see and all of a sudden, light red string lights that I hadn't noticed earlier, hung lit around the room giving it a warm and calming feeling.

"I set up more lights!" He cheered as he sat on his bed.

I stood up and walked to the center of the room and span around as he typed something on his computer, suddenly a calming but upbeat sound played through the room.

(Play song)

Bucky smiled as he gently mouthed the words and laid down facing me. I walked over to my own bed, and laid down to face him as well.

"So, you're bi?" he asked, to which I nodded in response.

"And you're gay?" I asked, to which he also nodded.

"I have a very important question," he said with a serious tone, that only worried me slightly.

"What's up?" I asked trying to hide the worry in my voice.

"Is..." he started cracking up laughing. "I-Is it true, you've never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend?"

I blushed and looked down embarrassed. "Yeah..." I mumbled.

"Oh my god!" he yelled with a smile. "That's the fucking cutest thing," he stopped laughing for a second, "Sorry if it seems like I'm making fun of you or something, I'm not, but that's the cutest thing I can't even,"

"Alright, alright, moving on!" I laughed as I tried to hide my blush. "So when I was hanging out with your friends they mentioned someone,"

"So who's Tony Stark?" I asked with a grin, and Bucky's smile faltered only slightly.

Buckys POV

Oh no...

Why is he asking about Tony?

Did they talk about Tony?


Fucking Clint.

"Why do you ask Stevie?" I asked trying to keep calm.

"I don't know, they told me about him today. He seems like a nice guy," he grinned again.

"Yeah...he's alright," I mumbled and rolled over to lay on my back.

"Clint said you two dated?" he asked shyly.

"Yeah...we did for a bit..." I groaned obviously not wanting to talk about it. "I moved on though," I pulled out my phone and opened Kik.


Arrow_Guy🎯: Who Steve? Yeah why?"

BBarnes🐻: Cliiinnttttt why would you tell him about Tony?

Arrow_Guy🎯: He asked about you and Tony just came up

BBarnes🐻: He asked about me?

Arrow_Guy🎯: Yep

BBarnes🐻: Oh...Thanks Clint!

Arrow_Guy🎯: ...You're welcome I guess

I put my phone down with a smile on my face as an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Stevie," I asked, "wanna go get dinner, seeing as it's almost 7:45?"

He pondered for a second, "Where?" His eyes shot open and he launched up from his bed, "IS THERE AN OUTBACK NEAR HERE??" He yelled with excitement.

I laughed as I sat up, "Yeah, there's one not too far from the campus, I can drive!"

"Yes!!" Steve exclaimed throwing his arms in the air in triumph.

I laughed and smiled, "Well then get dressed and we can go!" I said sitting at my chair while he got dressed.

Steves POV

When Bucky announced we were going to Outback, my favorite restaurant ever, I threw on my black ripped jeans and my favorite sweater at the moment.

I cleared my throat and Bucky span around on his swivel chair, turning to me with a smile. We put on our shoes, his black and white converse, while mine were soft white boots. He grabbed his key and his phone, as did I, and I followed him outside immediately feeling a gust of cold wind push me back. He turned to me as I pulled my sleeves over my hands, and frowned. Bucky walked over to me and put his arm around me, and held me close and we walked towards the parking lot. I blushed profusely, even though he was very warm. We reached his car, which was a GMT Terrain, and this surprised me because the car was huge! He opened the door for me and helped me up into the passenger seat before getting in himself. He started the car and we drove off as the sun began to set.


Steve and Buckys dinner outfits in the media!!

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