{Chapter 10}

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Steve's POV

After Bucky and I fought, I wasn't really in the mood for a date. Or to be outside if anything. I just wanted to turn back around, go apologize to Bucky, and be friends again. Which is all we'll ever be. Friends. Or as Bucky says, 'I'm with you till the end of the line pal'.

I just shook the thoughts away and met Tony at the movie theatre, where we were seeing Transformers: The Last Knight. I would've been happy with anything BUT that, I'm more into horror or romance. I reached the theatre and saw him waiting for me in front. The snow storm finally stopped, so it was back to nice sunny California weather. But I'm still wearing my hoodies.

"Hey Steve, you look great," Tony said eyeing my outfit. For some weird reason, I didn't blush or get butterflies like I usually would when I was complimented. Well, the only other person who appreciated my outfits were Bucky.

No, bad Steve. You're on a date with Tony, not Bucky.

But a small part of me wished I were...

"Uh thanks," I replied and he looked at me weird and opened the door for us to walk into the air conditioned theatre. The place was pretty packed since it's a friday, and a lot of kids were here due to that new animated movie that came out last week. I remember Bucky wanted to-

Shit, I did it again.

"Hey Steve, you ok?" Tony asked looking at me in concern. I just sighed and shook my head. "Yeah I'm fine, let's go," I said and dragged him to auditorium 6.

When we got to our seats, Tony handed me the 3D glasses, and the popcorn we ordered along with a soda.

The trailers were starting, and towards the end of them, we were all instructed to put on our 3D glasses. The movie started playing, and Tony looked really excited. For some reason this felt like a meeting, not a date.

Until, Tony put his hand on mine in the scene where Mark Wahlberg was talking to some kids to get out of a war zone. I still don't get these movies, well I would if I had seen the others. I stiffened in my seat, and Tony just removed his hand and we sat there in silence for the rest of the movie. Which was fucking 2 hours! The end credit scene shocked me, I thought only Marvel did that. Now those movies I would watch.

We were exiting the theatre, when Tony pulled me aside and kissed me abruptly. I just stood still, and my eyes widened. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes, "I knew it,"

"Tony, what are you-" He cut me off and lifted his hand in the air signalling me to stop. "Steve please, I know you don't like me. I just don't get why you agreed to this," he said and I searched his eyes for any signs of hurt, which was the last thing I wanted-to hurt tony-but I saw nothing but confusion.

"I do like you Tony, just not in the way you wanted me to. I'm sorry," I mumbled and he just sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"It's fine Stevie, no need to explain. Now, I was going to take you to dinner but if you just want to go-

"No," I said, "we can still go, as friends if you want," i said and he smiled and agreed with me. We went to Olive Garden, my second favorite after Outback. We talked, and Tony mentioned his lab partner, some guy named Bruce Banner, who I heard Natasha mention a few times. I also noticed the look on Tony's face when he mentioned his new partner. There was definitely something there, he just needs a little encouragement.

So, I sent an SOS to the group chat. But I left Bucky out of it,

Bucky's POV

It was around 9 when Steve came back, and I thought the date would last a bit longer since it's the first one. He didn't even look any different than when he left, no dramatic sighs and heart eyes. Just a blank face, and a 'hey Buck' when he walked in.

"How was the date?" I asked cautiously as he changed into his sleeping sweater and shorts. All he did was look at me, and went back to changing.

"Not a date," he said looking through his phone. My eyes widened, and instead of celebrating I just asked, "What do you mean?"

Steve looked up from his phone and his blue eyes were looking at my own in deep thought. "We're both into different people. He likes Bruce and I like someone else. We decided staying friends is better," he said and I just nodded still in shock and confused.

Really fucking confused because one minute him and Tony were cuddling, and the next they both like other people.

Hold up.

"Wait, you like someone who isn't Tony? Who?"

I waited for an answer, but all I got was a snore in response.

"Steve," I said and he just kept snoring. I groaned in frustration and went on Kik.


Fuck_Off🕷: WHAT


Arrow_Guy🎯: ohh shit drama *grabs popcorn*

BBarnes🐻: He just got back from his 'not date' with Tony

BBarnes🐻: Tony likes Bruce!

Arrow_Guy🎯: lol I knew it


BBarnes🐻: thats where we have a problem

Fuck_Off🕷: dammit Barnes what is it

BBarnes🐻: he told me he likes someone else

All Natasha wanted to do was scream "IT'S YOU DUMBASS" but decided to let these blind ass lovesick puppies get together on their own.


BBarnes🐻: HOW THO???

Arrow_Guy🎯: Um hi me again

Arrow_Guy🎯: just ask?????

BBarnes🐻: ugh thats no fun

Fuck_Off🕷: follow him

BBarnes🐻: better

Arrow_Guy🎯: wow I'm hurt

BBarnes🐻: pls stop

BBarnes🐻: k well I'm going to bed and tomorrow I find out who Steve likes

After Bucky logged off, Natasha face palmed at how completely blind her friend is.

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