{Chapter 20}

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who's going to raid Area 51?



Tony's POV

"I would like to welcome you all to Parent's Day at the University of California, I am your students Dean Charles Xavier. We will have a tour run by our top students Steve Rogers and Hank McCoy. I will begin with a little speech. When I was a boy-

"This is so lame," Wade said loud enough that some students and even families started giggling. Leave it to Dean Xavier to make this event about himself. I was just annoyed about this event, periodt. My dad would never come to these things, and my mom is on one of her weekly spa trips with her friends.

"Where's your pops anyway? You said he was coming," I asked and Wade checked his phone and shrugged. "He's running late, as usual,"

I nodded and saw Steve and Hank at the entrance to prepare for the tour. Steve looked so funny in the outfit Dean Xavier made them wear a green shirt with the school logo (A/N kind of like the X-men first class logo but with the school name around the X) and khaki shorts. They both looked like zookeepers.

Xavier was about to end his speech when the doors burst open and a tall guy with a lot of facial hair walked in.

"WADE! Where are yah?" the man shouted while taking a sip from a flask he took out of his jacket pocket.

"OVER HERE DAD OMG YOUR EMBARRASSING ME!" he shouted back and Dean Xavier looked absolutely mortified.

I guess that's his dad. Now I see where the shouting comes from.

"Wow, he's huge," I said as his dad sat down with us at our table. Wade saw the scared look on my face. "He's chill dude I promise,"

"Hey, I'm Logan," the hairy guy said and I shook his incredibly large hand. "Tony. Tony Stark,"

"Ah, you're the rich boy. This school is so fancy, but my boy here gets his smarts from his mother, thank god!" Logan said patting Wade on his back so hard he spit out the grape he was chewing. I laughed, and then Logan asked, "You're folks coming to this thing?" I shook my head and he nodded in understanding. "Well, you are more than welcome to stick with us,"

I was grateful Wade's dad turned out to be cool, and when Dean Xavier finally ended his speech the tour started and Steve and Hank divided into two groups. What was odd is that I saw Bucky wasn't anywhere near his boyfriend, him and Steve are always joined at the hip.

Bucky's POV

Parent's Day is going terrible, in every way possible. My parents showed up with my sister Rebecca, and as soon as they saw me the questions were thrown at me immediately.

"Have you decided what you want to do after graduation?"

"Son, is it possible for you to keep this dorm a little cleaner like your tiny roommate, Jeff?"


"Right! And do you have a girlfriend? We would love to meet her," he asked judging my rocketship sheets. Steve got them for me as a gag gift, but I loved them anyway.

There it was. The million dollar question, asked my his father George. "No pops, no girlfriend. Now, let's go get ready for the tour,"

"Oh, we should go with your little friend, he's adorable!" exclaimed my Grandma Rose. It took a lot for me not to hand her my essay on how accurate her statement is. I was acting weird all morning with Steve before my parents came, and he assured me that it will be fine and by the end we can go back to how things were. I just hope I don't mess up and expose myself and our relationship because I don't want to give my grandma a heart attack like when I had my emo phase in high school.

It's been an hour since Steve and I kissed, and I feel like my brain cells are dying.

"Hey big brother, mom really likes your roommate. And she usually hates most people," my sister Rebecca said. I couldn't agree more, my mom is nice but to an extent.

"Yeah, I mean he's a nice guy," I shrugged and I felt myself sweating and her glare. "Uh huh, you seem to like him too," she said and I noticed we were behind the group and I saw Steve give me a quick glance while he explained the classroom wifi or whatever.

"Becs, what are you on about?" I asked scratching my arm. Ugh, my nervous hives are coming already.

"Nothing, just answer one question for me?"

I sighed. "Shoot"

"How long have you been dating?"


"What?! Why would you ask something like that. I-I like girls, you know their hair, their shoes, u-uh the way they-

"I'm going to stop you right there, that was the gayest way to describe a female to me. Their shoes? What straight guy pays attention to girls shoes? C'mon Bucky,"

Why even bother denying it, Rebecca is not easy to fool. "Almost a year now,"

She looked at me in shock. "A year!?! Bucky you should tell them," she said and I looked at her in horror. "Are you nuts? Mom and dad would kill me! And I don't want Grandma in the hospital,"

She scoffed in disbelief. "Bucky they are nicer now, you've been away from home for 4 years and I think maybe they would come around. Especially grandma. Just think about it ok?"

I just nodded and she went up to join our parents.

Maybe Rebecca is right. Or she's just stupid now, and wants me to die before I even graduate. My parents have been a bit more open, and even Steve's mom had outed Steve when we all met for the first time. His mom liked me immediately, and even told me that telling my parents wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. I have a good feeling if my parents disowned me she would take me in.

I should just grow up and tell them.

I wonder how everyone else's Parents Day is going.

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