{Chapter 7}

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Bucky's POV

We walked to art quickly, seeing as I didn't want Steve to get trampled in the hallways. I grabbed his hand and pulled him close behind me.

We got there in about 2-3 minutes, so we had a chance to see who else was in our class. We decided to sit in the back again, and shortly after, Tony walked in. He sat in front of Steve, and I couldn't help but laugh, since Steve didn't see him. Steve's face was in his notebook sketching something.

"Good morning Tony," I said peacefully as he sent me a smirk.

"Good morning Bucky, and you must be Steve," he said as he kinda nudged Steve's book, making him jump a little.

"H-Huh?" He slammed his book shut and pulled it towards him as he looked up at Tony, and his face instantly went red. "O-Oh you must be T-Tony,"

"Mr. Stark, at your service," he bowed and glanced up enough to grin and wink at Steve, which made his face flush more.

"Tony please," I said through my teeth, "No theatrics"

"Oh but why not? I'm in the theatre club this year afterall," Steve's eyes lit up.

"You're in theatre? I'm in theatre!" He gripped the edge of the desk and sat up slightly, pulling himself closer to Stark. "What play are we doing this year, do you know?"

"Nah sorry, I'll be sure to let you know ASAP though, here what's your number?"

Tony put out his hand and a pen for Steve to write his number on. Steve smiled and took his hand, turning slightly to fit his number and name.

***-***-**** ~Stevie

Tony smiled and looked down at the ink, rubbing his hand over it gently. He shot me a smirk before turning around. My heart ached as I watched Steve, watch Tony with a look of adoration I only dreamed of seeing when he looked at me.

Steve's POV (time skip)

Tony and I walked out of theatre together and laughed as we cracked jokes. We weren't told what play we were doing but they wanted to do a play dealing with homophobia, which made me squeal with joy in my seat. So we were walking down the hall out of campus and I got anxiety walking towards the doors as I saw the snow piling up against it. I wrapped my arms around myself and pulled my hood up as he opened the door, and my face instantly froze up. My cheeks, nose, and ears became pink and my teeth began to chatter. I almost fell the fuck over and tripped in the snow but Tony grabbed me and pulled me up, he took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. He took my hand and pulled me behind him towards the dorms, but I almost fell like four times so he just sighed and picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and putting me over his shoulder to cover my face from the wind. He carried me to the dorms while holding me close and keeping me warm, just like Bucky does.

He brought me to the men's dorms and put me down. He brushed off the snow off of us and he walked me to my room. My hands were fucking frozen and I didn't want to get my keys out so I knocked on the door and Bucky opened it and saw me wet with snow all over me and Tony standing behind me.

"I wanted to make sure he got home safe, especially in this blizzard," Tony smiled.

"Thank you Tony," I gave him a hug and waved him off as he left.

I walked in and sat on my bed. Bucky quickly locked the door and walked over to me, brushing more snow off of me. "You ok?" he asked me, and actualy look of concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, of course I'm fine Buck," I laughed as I took off my wet hoodie, but then I remembered I had Tony's jacket. I hung it up to dry on the bathroom hook and walked back over to Bucky to get changed. "Why?"

"Tony isn't necessarily...well he isnt the best person, just wanted to make sure you were ok," he smiled at me as I threw on a t-shirt and sweats. He grabbed his blankets and wrapped them around me. "You warm enough?"

I shrugged and walked back to the bathroom to use the hairdryer since my hair was still wet. "I guess I'll be fine,"

He stood at the door and watched me for a bit before he started to talk and I turned off the hairdryer. "I'm going to Starbucks to get a drink, want something?"

"French Vanilla cappuccino with whipped cream and milk," I said quickly. "Please,"

He smiled, "sure, be back in 10,"

Bucky grabbed his jacket, scarf, gloves, and his phone and keys, and left. I finished drying my hair and laid down on my bed. I grabbed my computer and opened up my messages, nothing. However, I did get a Kik notification.

Confused, since I hadn't opened the app in 82 years, I opened it up and saw a new group chat that was actually active??

"The...Ass pub?" I asked as my Kik loaded and the buzzing groupchat flew to the top of my messages.

I clicked into the chat and saw multiple people I didn't recognize.

Steve is Typing...🐶: Wat is this.



Fuck_Off🕷: You say as you fucking scream

💰Gay_Playboy💰: I added him like 10 minutes ago and you're only realizing he's here now?

Steve is typing...🐶: ????

Arrow_Guy🎯: Is your name "Steve is typing...🐶"?

Steve is typing...🐶: Maybe

Fuck_Off🕷: well that isnt going to get annoying

BBarnes🐻: Lmao

Fuck_Off🕷: This is Natasha btw

Arrow_Guy🎯: Clint

BBarnes🐻: mine is obvious

💰Gay_Playboy💰: Tony

Steve is typing...🐶: o

Buck when r u coming home?

BBarnes🐻: soon, they just gave me our shit.

Steve is typing...🐶: K, be safe

Arrow_Guy🎯: Awww

BBarnes🐻: stahp

Steve is typing...🐶: K imma go read gay fanfiction now bye.

💰Gay_Playboy💰: Cya, Cutie

My face flushed profusely as I put my phone down, and I smiled as I went back to Wattpad and kept reading. There was one book I really liked by Tony_Loki. All of the books were really damn good.

I got lost in one of the books so when Bucky slammed open the door and a bunch of snow fell on the ground I jumped and yelled a little.

He laughed as he walked in and brushed the snow off of him. He undressed and put the coffee tray on his desk, and I ran over to grab my drink. I gently wrapped my fingers around the piping hot cup and smiled as I sipped it gently, the warm drink running down my throat.

"Thank you Buck..." I said in between sips. "This is really good,"

"You're welcome Steve, Oh wait-" he cut himself off. "That gay fanfiction you were reading, is it on Wattpad?"

"Oh, yeah it is!" I smiled at him as I ran over to my computer.

"Can you send me some links?" He asked.

"Oh you have no idea..."

And we basically sat there trading our favorite stories.

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