{Chapter 24}

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Steve's POV

Peter wasn't in his dorm, and I was about to ask where he was but realized he's most likely with Wade. And I rather not walk in on anything I can't unsee. So, I decided to just head back to Bucky and I's dorm, and just tell him about New York.

I was nervous for no reason. Bucky and I have been through too much to just end it right here, and I know he feels the same way. There's this saying we tell each other a lot, till the end of the line.

And the line is almost here, and I would love for him to be there by my side.

I reached our floor, and took a deep breath. It's now or never.

I opened the door, and I saw him on his bed with two coffees on my nightstand. I smiled at the memory of our first weeks as friends, how he always brought me a coffee when he really didn't have to. The routine never stopped after we got together.

He looked up from his laptop, and immediately got up.

"Steve, I-

"Buck can we-

"Stevie I need to tell you-

"Bucky, oh my god just shut up and listen,"

Bucky looked taken aback, and sat back on his bed. I sat on mine facing him. I went into my bag, and pulled out the letter I got from Berkeley (idk if they have a special ed program but go with it) and handed it to him.

"I got a teaching position, in New York City," I said and he grinned.

Now I'm confused. "It's for a special education program, Professor Pym wrote me a glowing recommendation. I start a week after graduation" I said and he kept grinning. "I actually thought you would be sad,"

That got his attention and he looked at me. "Stevie, this is great news! Why would I be upset about that?" he asked and sat next to me and took my hand in his. "I just thought since it's in New York, it's so far from here and you don't have a job and-

"I have a job," he said and it was my turn to look at him funny. "But I thought-

"Yeah Mr. Ross found me a job, and coincidentally...it's in New York City," he said and I punched his arm. "You lied!?" I exclaimed and he raised his hands in defense. "Yes, and I feel awful but like you I didn't want to leave you behind,"

I couldn't be mad at him, his intentions were almost the same as mine. "I love you,"

"I love you too," He replied and pulled me in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and we just sat on my bed kissing each other with so much passion and all of the emotions were were feeling were poured out into the kiss.

I can definitely see a future with Bucky. And I'm certain he feels the same.

We pulled apart, and he started to giggle. "What?" I asked smiling at him.

"Nothing, I just owe Professor Lehnsherr a huge thank you,"

Bucky's POV


It's been a great few last weeks of school. Steve and I were packing for New York, and we were mostly excited because Tony and Bruce will be tagging along with us for the trip. Just a couple a gays on a long flight and then a car ride, what could go wrong? Plus, Tony has a big house he is letting us stay in until Steve and I get a place of our own. I told him this, and he insisted we live together but honestly I rather not listen to him and Bruce going at it every night.

Graduation was pretty quick, and the speech Steve gave was amazing. He gave me a shoutout, and everyone looked at me and I blushed so hard. I mean, he didn't even warn me about it! Dean Xavier got a bit emotional, and Professor Lehnsherr was there as well. I had told him what happened between Steve and I, and he was happy for us.

Natasha and Clint are going backpacking around the world. We were all really shocked, but honestly I don't expect anything less from them. I knew they were the adventurous type, and couldn't be tied down to an office job. They promised to visit when they stopped by New York, and we all planned to see a few Broadway shows.

Wade is staying here in California until Peter graduates. The guy got left back! Those two are a package deal, and I wouldn't think Wade would leave Peter's side.

"One more hour!" Steve exclaimed and I smiled at his excitement. Our flight is soon, and Tony is driving all of us to the airport. It's silly, but I want to get their as early as possible.

We'll all be in New York soon, as official adults taking on the world! It's all surreal to me. To think a few years ago, I was just a loner who probably would've dropped out not being motivated to do something with my life. But that all changed when I met Steve, he makes me want to be a better version of myself.

"Ok, ready?" I asked grabbing my guitar case. He nodded and we left our now empty dorm room. So many memories were made here.

We piled our stuff into the trunk. Bruce and Tony already in the car fighting over what song to play, I rolled my eyes. This trip will be interesting.

"Hey, going to leave without saying goodbye?"

I turned around and saw Nat, Clint, Wade, and Peter. I smiled and walked over to my friends and hugged them all.

Steve did the same, along with Tony and Bruce.

"We'll promise to call, and Wade come visit whenever you can. Maybe I can fly you guys to our place for Christmas,"

"Awesome!" Peter exclaimed and said goodbye before going back inside with Wade.

"See you guys soon, don't be strangers," I said and hugged Nat and Clint once more.

"Wouldn't dream of it,"

With a few final goodbyes, and a rare sign of emotion from Tony we got in the car and drove off.

I looked at Steve, and kissed his cheek taking his hand in mine. "I love you" I said and he grinned and kissed me on the lips and rested his head on my shoulder.

"I love you too,"

- T H E  E N D -

Guys oh my god, I did it! It's over!!

I'm grateful for Lilithen for giving me her story to continue, so my success is to be shared with them. And thank YOU guys for supporting this story, it means a lot.

I will be starting another fanfic very soon. I want it to be better than my other ones, and it might include some Netflix characters wink wink.

So yeah, see you on my next fanfic!!

-Auriyanna xx

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