{Chapter 9}

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Bucky's POV

It hurt, to say the least.

Can't a guy just shower without getting bad news afterwards.

Arrow_Guy🎯: dude Tony stole ur man

BBarnes🐻: wat??

Fuck_Off🕷: Tony just told us he's going on a date with Steve tomorrow

Fuck_Off🕷: sorry sweetie

The water was dripping from the ends of my bangs to my phone screen, and all I could do was punch the glass mirror causing it to break instantly. My knuckles were bleeding, but I didn't care. The thought of Steve, my Steve, going on a date with another guy was painful enough.

BBarnes🐻: so?

Arrow_Guy🎯: SO?

Arrow_Guy🎯: tell Tony to back off

Fuck_Off🕷: we all know he wouldn't do that

Fuck_Off🕷: Tony never likes hearing 'No'

BBarnes🐻: Guys it's fine

BBarnes🐻: it's his choice

Arrow_Guy🎯: sorry Buck

Arrow_Guy🎯: if u want, bunk w me tonight. Bruce isn't in the room anymore after I told him about Tony. Poor guy has a crush on that asshole.

BBarnes🐻: well I feel his pain. Thanks Barton, I'll be right over


After that happened, I basically avoided Steve the next day. Dick move, I know, but just seeing him with his stupid baby blue eyes and pretty smile wasn't helping me at all. Tony was practically glowing, and I envied him. Even if I told him not to go on the date with Steve, he'd twist my words around and make it about him, that I'm still in love with him. But the truth is, I never was. I was lonely, my dad had passed serving overseas and my mom was too deep in her feelings to see that I needed her. But then, I met Tony.

He was charming, sweet, and understanding. He'd never admit it but I broke up with him, because I felt like I was losing myself in the relationship. I did everything to please him, not me, so I didn't know who I really was, until I met Steve. That moment, when we were discussing bands and fanfiction, was when I realized I was in love with him. I could be myself around him, not some preppy douchebag who only cares about what clothes he's wearing, or what car he drives. That's not living.

Steve makes me feel alive. Bottom line.

But now, it's too late. He'll never consider me, never in a million years.

"Buck, you ok?"

Natasha and I were in the library studying for a stupid test I didn't even know we had, but my head was somewhere else.

"No," I sighed playing with my pen cap. She gave me a sad smile, and closed her book.

"Listen, how about we go to Chipotle? I know you could never resist guac," she teased poking my side. I smiled and agreed to go, since she's paying. We messaged Clint to meet us there, and he showed up when we were on line with Bruce.

We sat down with our food, and while Clint and Nat were busy flirting, I decided to talk to Bruce.

"So, what major are you?"

He looked up from his tacos and replied, "Cellular Biology and Anatomical Sciences"

"Damn, you must be really smart," I said and he frowned. "I guess not as smart to realized the guy you like obviously doesn't like you back,"

"Look Bruce, If I had known you liked Tony I would've stopped him from asking Steve out," I said truthfully. He gave me a small smile and sighed. "It's not your fault Bucky, what does this Steve guy even look like?"

I pulled out my phone, and showed him a selfie of Steve and I that wasn't my lockscreen.

"He's cute, and really skinny is he ok?" he asked looking genuinely concerned.

I laughed. "He's fine, just has a different metabolism than us,"

He nodded and looked at the picture again. "I can see why you like him, he seems sweet"

"The sweetest," I said smiling at the photo. I put my phone back in my jacket pocket and noticed Nat and Clint listening in on our conversation.

I ignored their looks of pity, and after we were all done eating we parted ways and went to our dorms. I slowly opened the door, praying Steve wasn't there, and since I haven't gone to mass in 2 years, he was.

In those sinful black shorts, with his knee socks and All Time Low hoodie. He must've not heard the squeak of the door because he jumped up when I said, "Hey Stevie,"

"Buck, jesus you scared me. Where have you been pal?" he asked.


"Just at Chipotle with Nat, Clint, and Bruce," I said. He nodded in reply and there was an awkward silence while I got my computer out of my bag. I thought about what to say next, thought it would be too harsh, but fuck it.

"So, you and Tony?"

He looked taken aback, and blushed. "U-Uh yeah, me and Tony are going out tonight. Is that alright?"

No the fuck it's not.

"Yeah Steve it's fine, go. I'm not your dad, it's not like you need my permission anyway. Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked a bit to harsh for my liking.

"Of course I was Bucky, you've just been avoiding me all day. I never got the chance to!" he exclaimed and I sighed.

"Whatever, I'm staying at Clint's tonight , so I won't be in your way when you get back," I lied.


With that, he got ready for his date. He looked amazing, but I couldn't tell him that. Tony's a lucky guy, and that's the first time I ever said that to myself. When Steve shut the door, a single tear fell from my eye and I wiped it away quickly and texted Nat.

BBarnes🐻: he's gone

Fuck_Off🕷: I'm sorry Buck

BBarnes🐻: don't be. I had my chance and all I did was yell at him!

Fuck_Off🕷: he'll come around

Fuck_Off🕷: I'm always right

I laughed and thanked her for being there for me, and I sat there lazily strumming my guitar.

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