{Chapter 19}

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Steve's POV

"John stays"

"This is family!"


"I mean how can you not ship it? And what was the point of Mary if they planned to kill her?"

"They gave Johnlock a baby! You can't get anymore gay than that,"

Peter and I are currently in his dorm, gossiping about our boyfriends while watching our favorite ships that aren't canon on tv but they basically are on the internet. Later, we're going to watch a compilation on YouTube "Destiel starting at each other". I mean ...

"How was your date with Wade?" I asked and he immediately blushed. It's cute how they are together, you wouldn't think Wade would be such a softie but he totally is around Peter. "It was a great time, we got food and than he took me to my dorm andthenikissedhim,"

"What! Go back don't tease me like that Parker!" I exclaimed and he hid himself even further in the covers if that's even possible. "I kissed him,"

"OH MY GOD!! My son is a man now!" I said and he laughed and threw his Sam Winchester body pillow at me. I'm shorter then the pillow so I almost fell off the bed.

"Anyway, is your aunt coming for parents day?"

Our school has this thing where we invite our families and have some breakfast and show them our college. Some parents who live far away don't get to see how we live here on campus so I guess this is Dean Xavier's way of trying to make himself look good in front of them. I just think it's a waste of time.

"Yeah, what about you?" he asked and I nodded excitedly. "My mom is coming with her new boyfriend," I said rolling my eyes at the last part. I hate Joe, guy can go to hell for all I care.

"If he gets too annoying you can always hang with my aunt and I," Peter suggested and I smiled at his offer. "Thanks, now I have to go, Bucky is waiting for me," I said seeing Bucky text me 'SOS'

It was probably something dramatic, like him missing me or needing a hug. I left the freshman dorms and walked to the senior living quarters. I passed Wade on my way there and he said he was going to see Peter. I left the kid a minute ago!

After entering our dorm, I see Bucky on the floor with his phone covering his eyes. "Uh, hello?"

"Babe! You're here thank god, I'm dying!" he yelled and I saw his phone blinking rapidly and texts showing up every second.

"Hey Buck, what's going on?" I asked and he just kissed me and sat on the edge of his bed. He's been acting strange all week, and I wouldn't want any secrets between us.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "My family is coming tomorrow," he said and I smiled. "That's great! I can't wait to meet them," I said and his eyes widened at my excitement.

"They don't know about us,"

Bucky's POV

"They don't know about us," I whispered and saw the sad look on my cute boyfriend's face.

"Oh, well that's ok I guess,"

I got up and walked over to where he stood and took his hands in mine. "No, it's really not. I'm almost 21 and still feel like a scared little boy whenever they ask me if I'm seeing anyone. And I would love to show you off to them, but they are a very religious family. My grandma especially," I said feeling guilty for every word I've said already.

"Look, I know how hard it can be for families to accept you. It took my mom a while but then it turned into her asking me if there are any cute boys here,"

"Are there?" I asked teasingly.

Steve shook his head playfully, "Nope," and then he smiled and kissed me. All my worries just melted away as we kissed, and I just hope everything works out for us because I cannot live without him.

I just love him too much to let family get in the way of that.


This is really short oof . But the plot is getting there...I think lol

-A xx

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