{Chapter 23}

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I promised an update last night, but my ass was so tired after work. its my day off today so here we go


*Two weeks later*

Tony's POV

"So what? Is he going to live as a stay at home mom while you bring in the big bucks? Steve c'mon be realistic here,"

"You don't think I'm trying Tony? I've given him job applications, links to websites to make a resume, and he's even thinking of skipping graduation,"

I'm currently listening to Steve rant to me about how Bucky is basically giving up on life. Bruce and I were working on our final lab assignment when this little one barged in all crazy.

"There's gotta be something Bucky wants to do. I mean, isn't he always glued to that guitar? There's gotta be something that he could do,"

That's when both Bruce and Steve grinned. Again, I'm way too smart to be friends with these people.

"Tony that's it! I could try and get Bucky a job as a music teacher or something,"

Steve than ran off to probably plan something with Peter. Those two would do anything for their crazy boyfriends. Just the other day Peter dragged us to Wades karate tournament and dude kicked the hell out of some guy named Sam and won the biggest trophy I've ever seen.

Then after he broke a few pieces of wood for good measure.. And to keep impressing his boyfriend.

I on the other hand got lucky with Bruce. Anything science related we can do together, and there doesn't have to be a muscle contest to prove our worth for each other. We haven't exactly said the L word yet, but I think we both have an idea of where we stand as a couple.

After graduation I'm taking Bruce and I to Miami for a short vacation before we trade in our shorts for lab coats to work with Dr. Connors at MIT. It's a dream job for both of us.

They aren't ready for the science boyfriends.

Bucky's POV

I'm such a shit boyfriend. I had told Steve I didn't find a job, but Mr. Ross found a perfect one that actually fits what I've wanted since I got here. A chance to play and teach music to kids. But it's in New York. And I would hate to leave Steve behind.

I see myself being with him for a very long time. Maybe even get married, live in a shitty apartment, the two of us against the world. But reality is hitting me hard, and I don't know what to do.

My friends have no idea, not even Wade who I've gotten close to since we both have a few similar interests. One being we would kill anyone who looked at our boyfriends funny.

Steve went to get coffee with Tony and then has his last final test. I finished mine two days ago, and so far I passed all of them thanks to Nat who basically glued me to my chair in the library.

Speaking of Natasha, I should probably ask her what I should do. She always knows what to say...

I decided to leave the dorm, I need some coffee and maybe a cake pop-

"Mr. Barnes, are you alright?" I looked up from my mental rant and saw Professor Lehnsherr sitting on one of the benches in the front of the boys dorm. Ever since Wade had detention with him and found out he's seeing Dean Xavier on the side, more people actually think he's cool and not as creepy.

"Oh hey Professor, I didn't see you there," I replied and he shrugged. "All good, but I couldn't help but notice you're a bit occupied with something going on up here," he said gesturing to his forehead.

"Yeah, I just have a lot on my plate," I confessed and he removed his briefcase from beside him and motioned for me to sit down. I took a seat, and he asked. "So, care to share?"

"I met with Mr. Ross earlier, and we were going over career options. At first, I was nervous he wouldn't find anything for me but then he did! And I was so happy, and the first person I wanted to tell was my boyfriend. But it's all the way in New York and I don't think I could leave him. I'm stuck at this point,"

Professor Lehnsherr nodded in understanding, and removed his glasses. "I get it, not wanting to leave behind the one you love. I denied a job offer at another university to be closer to Charles, and at first I thought it was a mistake but than...-

He showed me the silver ring on his left hand. "Oh,"

"Yeah, he proposed last night," he said grinning. "I'm happy for you sir," I said.

"But enough about me. I would just stay positive Bucky, and tell Steve the truth. I'm sure everything will work out in the end,"

I thanked him and got up from the bench. And before I left I asked, "How'd you know I was with Steve?"

Professor Lehnsherr laughed, "Oh you two are all Wade Wilson can talk about, loud kid," he said and I laughed and made my way to the Starbucks to get Steve and I coffees.

It was time I told him the truth.


omg can y'all believe Spider-Man won't be in the MCU. Area 51 is cancelled, people are going to raid Sony. 

Sony better not fuck up whatever plans they have, and they have the nerve to think they can do better without Marvel and are blaming Disney as well. Bitch please, we all saw what you did with Spider-Man, no one was hype for his character until Marvel took over. If Sony had rights all this time, I doubt Spider-Man would be as successful. 



===> AND if anything, they basically killed Tony for no reason. Marvel had plans to keep him alive, but if it wasn't for his death then FFH would've been a completely different movie or even a movie at all. SO THEY KILLED TONY FOR SPIDER-MAN AND NOW WE HAVE NO SPIDER-MAN.

I'm out bye guys 

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