Letter 47

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Dear Alistair,

How are you? I hope that you're well. Me I'm very fine. I live with my grandmother and my daddy. Everything is going well, but I miss my mommy. It's absolutely wonderful to have a daddy just for me. I wanted to say thank you for having «lent» me your daddy. You were very kind, because it was someone missing from my life. To have my own daddy, I can't explain to you all the joy that comes in my heart when I think about him. He's very sympathetic and very funny also and his British accent, it's thunder! I adore the sound of his voice. I hope to be able to speak like him soon. I have shown him my writings in my diary. I'm also learning the role of Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, even if I don't understand all the words. He explains them to me with simpler terms. I like to learn complicated words for my writings, I like to impress the school teachers.

My grandmother is a very pretty woman. She looks so young, I can't believe that she's my dad's mom. Even if yours is not that old, but mine looks even younger and she even acts like my dad. They will work together. I want to work with my daddy when I'm older.

I spoke to my grandmother because I want my mom and daddy to come back together. She told me to speak about my mom all the time to Dad. I told her that I already did that. She told me to continue to do it. She says that she will send her an invitation with tickets to the Premiere of Hamlet. I told her that your parents would surely like to come also. So she said that she would send many tickets. You'll come with your parents, so that I can introduce you to my daddy? Alright?

I am sure that if mom and dad see each other and talk to each other without anger, they will want to come back together. When mom came to leave me with him, daddy almost didn't talk to her and I saw that it made mommy sad. But I don't want to be mad at daddy, because he is right to be angry at mom, for hiding that I was born... But daddy was married to another woman... I don't understand adults very well, maybe I'll understand better later. But for the time being, I want my mom, my dad and I to live together. Dad says that we will soon start to search for a house in the suburbs. I would like my mom to be there to choose it with us. I pray every night so that she comes to join us. If my grandmother's plan works, everything will go well.

If not, well I miss you a lot, even if spending time with my father is very fun, I would like for you to be here with me. Say hello to your sister Janice and to Archie Junior. If my mom and my dad come back together, maybe I will also have a little sister and a little brother, like you.

Your cousin,


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