Letter 61

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Dear diary,

I have to tell you what happened. My parents got married, finally! I was wearing a black suit; identical to the one dad was wearing with a white shirt, immaculate. Uncle Charlie was there, just as handsome as us. He was the best man and I was the ring bearer, carrying the wedding bands; that's what it's called... Mom was very beautiful with her white dress and the veil. Her hair was up in a beautiful bum. She had arrived at the arm of her Uncle William, my so-called dad... which was a little weird don't you think so? That her first husband would walk her to the aisle for her second wedding... Oh well, my life has always been very weird anyway. Auntie Patricia and Auntie Annie were there too, mom's bridesmaids.

When it came the time for the vows, this is what my parents said to each other, looking into their eyes full of love. First it was mom"

-I love you Terrence. You are my best friend. Today, I'm giving myself to you in marriage with our son Anthony-William. I promise to encourage you and inspire you , laugh with you, console you in moments of sadness and of struggle. I promise to love you in good times and in bad times, when life seems easy and when it seems difficult, when our love is simple and when it's a effort. I promise to cherish you and to always respect you. I'm giving you all these things for the rest of my life. I love you Terry and I will love you all my life.

She was crying at the end of her little speech. Then it was dad's turn:

-I love you Candice, you're my best friends. You know me better than anybody else. We are engaging each other with our son Anthony-William, to be husband and wife. To speak and to listen, trust each other and appreciate each other, respect and cherish our unique tempers; support and comfort and strengthen mutually, among joys and the pain of life. We are engaging each other to share our hopes, our dreams and our thoughts, while building our lives together. Let our lives be intertwined for good, may our love keep us together. We are going to build a house of compassion for everybody, full of respect. And of honor of each other. May our house always be full of peace, happiness and love. I love you Candy and I will love you all my life.

I don't if daddy cried or not, but I saw something shine in his eyes. Then the minister made a little speech and declared us "a family". Mom and dad kissed, but the kiss was different from the ones I witnessed when they didn't know I was watching them, on grandpa and grandma's wedding day.

We were finally a family and I think I was happier than my parents. I had a dad and a mom together and we were going to live in the same house. During the reception, everybody was dancing and everybody was having fun and everybody was finally congratulating them, that they were finally together. When they were in school, they were the first one to get together... Dad told them"

-The bible says: "... those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last."

Life is really full of surprises and now it was full of happiness for me. Thank you God!

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