Chapter Fifteen

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They fine asf Bruh 😩
Lauren walked into school the next day looking for a certain brunette hair girl. Her eyes scanning until she sees the girl that she was looking for, "Hey Justine" Justine turns around to see her and waves at her. Lauren walks towards her with a smile. Please take it well. "How you doin" Justine smiles at her,

"I'm good." Justine eyes scan Lauren's body, "You look good" Lauren smirks at her. Focus Lauren. Lauren looks down taking a breath,

"Thanks. Ummm I need to talk to you" Justine leans against the locker with a smile thinking that Lauren's mind was on the dance.

"Of course. What's up?" Lauren looks back up at her with a smile,

"Justine, I think you're an amazing person and you're sweet and nice but I don't think things are working out for us." Lauren says shocking Justine. "It's not you. It's definitely me. I swear you're amazing" Lauren runs a hand through her hair, "I can understand if you don't ever want to talk to me again." Justine stayed silent for a second as Lauren looks down at the ground. Here comes the screaming.

"You know" Lauren glances up, "you're actually sweeter than I thought you were. I mean, people said you can be a real asshole with girls" Lauren shrugged her shoulders,

"Yea, but you're a good person, Justine." Justine smiled, "I hope you find someone who will show you that" Justine nods before giving Lauren a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks. Hopefully you will too" Justine gave her one final smile before walking away. That went a whole lot better than I thought. Lauren smiled before walking towards Dinah and Ally on the bench.

"What was up with that?" Dinah asks once Lauren took a seat on the bench with her. Lauren looked at Dinah, tilting her head. "What? I'm curious. I know you didn't cut her off. She would've been yelling and screaming." Ally nods her head as if to agree with Dinah. Lauren was known for that when she cuts girls off. Lauren takes a seat on the bench next to Dinah,

"Actually I did. Justine is good people." Lauren said putting her ray-bans on.

"That's a first. Damn, I was hoping to see some fire crackers" Dinah says pouting as Lani rolls her eyes as Lauren giggles a little.

"Fireworks Dinah" Ally says shaking her head, "We'll I'm happy that you let her down easy" Dinah rolls her eyes,

"I still wanted firecrackers" Lauren giggled as Ally slaps her hand on her forehead.

"I bet you do. Maybe you should talk to Zendaya" Lauren says with a smirk getting Ally to laugh and Dinah scowl at her even though Lauren couldn't see her glare since her sunglasses were covering them. Got her. "What? I'm curious. Aren't you, Lani?" Ally nodded,

"Nothing happened." Dinah says folding her arms over her chest,

"I find that hard to believe since before last week you were saying how you haven't talked to her yet but on Friday it seems you guys did talk. It just didn't go the way that you thought it would" Ally said being observant as always and Lauren nodding her head to agree with her. Dinah tightens her lips as if she was saying nothing else.

"Maybe you insulted her by calling her friend a nerd" Dinah whips her head to look at Lauren with her mouth dropped. "And that you would never date a nerd" Ally leans forward to look at Lauren wanting to know what she knows about Dinah and Zendaya. "And Zendaya considers herself a very sexy nerd and didn't appreciate you calling her friend a nerd" Lauren shrugged her shoulders.

"How did you, Wait! Who told you that?!" Dinah exclaims confused since she only said that to Lucas and not to Zendaya. "Hold on! Zendaya knows about that" Lauren nods, "who told you and her?"

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