Onto the Darkness

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His vision was a blur. He kept opening his eyes only to black out again and again. After a couple of hours, he finally waked up and looked around. They were inside a cave, and in the center Yuvin had began to start a fire big enough to warm up all of the inside. T’Argho was fiddling with a hunting knife that belong to the hunter Abraham assumed he had killed. Dimitri sat in a dark corner of the cave and he was staring at the ground. Yuri was in his wolf form and he was near the entrance of the cave. Everyone had a grim face. Nobody even took a glance at him. But he knew that they had heard him moving around. Suddenly, a sound came from the inside of the cave.

“I can’t believe it. So many days of planing, so many sleepless nights. All gone in an instant.”

“We will get another opportunity Dimitri. It is just a matter of time and patience.”

“Damn it Yuvin can’t you get it! There will never be another opportunity like that one. Never! That was months of research that we lost right there. With that information, we could have finally found the truth behind those wolves. It is hopeless now.”

Yuvin got close to Dimitri and put his hand on Dimitri’s shoulder. “No it is not, as long as we have faith that they are out there in these very woods, you can be sure that we will find them. Or they will find us.”

“Am I supposed to be comforted by that?”

“I never intended for you to be.” Dimitri did not respond after that. Yuvin turned around and walked towards were Abraham was lying. He placed a hunting knife on his chest, then went back to his fire and blew on it. The heat became more intense and the cold that Abraham felt was blocked out.

He wanted to speak up, to ask what had happened to him and why they were all so depressed. But something inside of him told him that it was a bad idea and that he should just shut up for the moment. It was his inner wolf communicating with him. It had provided him guidance when he first transformed, and had been the most trusted companion that he ever had during his entire life.

                A small pain throbbed across Abe’s face that did not let up for some time. He moved his hand across it and felt an immediate pain. There was a scar that ran from the top left side of his forehead, down across the bridge of the his nose and finished up near the lower part of his neck. Then he screamed as a much larger pain entered his body near the right side of his lower ribs. He looked down to see that he was bandaged and that there was blood on them.

                He rested his head against the hard rock and began to collect his thoughts. He could not remember what had happened to him. Only that he had approached the hunter that he was supposed to kill, and that as he had pounced on him the hunter had taken a knife out.

                Oh shit. I screwed up didn’t I? How could it even happen, everything was going perfectly. Must have gotten carried away by the sounds of the other hunters dying. How could the pack ever forgive me? Why did they even help me?

                Abraham’s thoughts left him when he moved his hand towards his chest and felt for the knife that Yuvin had placed. He grabbed it and moved it towards his face so that he could get a better view of it. The blood was dry on the blade and the handle was lined with gold and silver. It was perfectly balanced and the cutting edge was sharp enough to create a large cut without hassle. He then turned it around and saw a badly written inscription made of chalk along the side of it. It read, For my daughter Jessica. May you rest in peace from the evils of the world. I will love you forever. Your loving father, Alexander Mendoza. Your unjust death will be avenged.

                Abraham felt disgusted, not by what was written, but because the hunter had a family. His family had kicked him out when they found out about his power, he hated family. Abraham rubbed the inscription off with the palm of his hand. He looked at the blade, and then he transformed his hand into a wolf paw. Using one of his claws, he wrote a new inscription on the blade.

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