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"We now have confirmed reports of an explosion following the mass battle---"

"Sir, explosion has been confirmed---"

"All units, prepare to move---"

"Negative, negative. No survivors at the front lines---"

"Search and rescue operations called off---"

"No wolves survived. Tank battalions obliterated---"

"Incredible destruction---"

"Infantry soldiers are gone---"

"The war is over. I repeat, the war is over..."


Abraham stirred as his vision began to go back to him, his muscles aching all over.

Slowly he turned himself over and pushed off the ground, stumbling slightly admist the wrecked remains of the battlefield.

He walked forwards, the only survivor from the battle. Wrecked tanks lay in smoldering ruins, body parts were strewn across the floor.

But he fell as a pain shot up from his lower abdomen. He looked down to see the marks of a sniper bullet that grazed his side earlier.

Abraham fell forward on the ground. Using what little energy was left, he howled for his three wolves. And then he collapsed, the world turning dark.

Slowly, he opened his eyes just enough to see Fang, Veran, and Aargo running towards him. Abraham noticed that he was back into his human form.

Again he picked himself up from where he lay, but fell on his knees as the energy left his body once more.

The three wolves surrounded Abraham, licking his face with happiness at the sight of seeing their master and eternal leader alive and well.

Abraham got up and walked towards the gigantic crater that now was where the city used to be. The support pillars were obliterated, rock and dirt now crushed the majestic city.

A black robe, carried by the wind, foated and landed in front of him. Torn by battle and stained with blood, it had been the final gift of Akivari before her death.

Smiling, Abraham shifted into his wolf form and put on the black robe. It's long sleeves and large hood shrouded his face and feet. The tail was the only protruding area, barely visible as it blended seamlessly with the robe.

Whistleing for his wolves, they four of them walked out and away from the battlefield. Out for revenge.

War is the greatest bringer of destruction.

The wolves fought for power, the wolves fought for control.

History repeated its self once more.

Underestimating an enemy overwhelming in force.

Honor blinding their eyes.

So much lost, so little gained. Humanity has once more managed to unite and fight angainst a common enemy.

And now they were out to get the surviving Alikar clans.

No mercy.

No remorse.

War is hell...

And hell is where it hurts the most...

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