Your Feral Instincts

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December 17, 2012

Ruins of Moscow

6 Weeks After Declaration of War.

The wolves strode through the streets of the now deserted and ruined city of Moscow. Six days of constant fighting had brought the capital city of Russia to its knees. 100 wolves is all that it took to obliterate it's defending force. Nearly every building was in ruins, bodies lay strewn across the ground.

Over watch had been kept after the fight. Those humans who were still alive were under constant surveillance. All their movements watched over by the wolves that stood vigilant on the ruined rooftops and all across the street. One hour to roam the streets is what they got.

Out of the nearly 12 million people who used to roam the streets freely, only 77 remained. Most women and children. The men were old and weak.

They were the lucky ones.

But Moscow had not been their first target, it happened because of the move that the humans had pulled on them by capturing Abraham, Akivari, and Narkiv.

The humans needed to be shown what the wolves were capable of. Beijing could wait another day, Moscow was the closest and one of the most wiedly recognized cities in the world.

And now it was but a smoldering ruin, a memory in the minds of the humans around the world.


"When do you think the humans are going to counter attack?" asked one of the wolves to his companion as they walked by what used to be called 'Red Square'.

"The humans know what we are capable of. They will think twice before attempting to attack this marknav of a city," replied the second wolf.

"But they beat us in numbers. Besides, they have all those missiles."

"What good is a missile," continued the second wolf. "If you don't know what to shoot it at."

"True," replied the first wolf. "Besides, we will be long gone before they launch a missile at this place."

"Hm... Stras kartzvum nolak trons kim?"


"I will see you at midnight then."

"Likewise brother."

The two wolves parted ways, one heading towards an encampment outside the city while the other headed back towards the center of the city to start the hunt.

Off in the distance, the unseen screams of tortured humans echoed across the desolate city. Over watch was over, the hunter squads had begun the final wiping of the human population.

The wolf entered a building, searching for a sing of humans. Slowly, he walked around the building before a shadow out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. He turned and was aghast to see four wolves bearing down on him, not giving him time to react quickly enough before they lunged at him from all sides.


2 Days Earlier

"Not again," thought Abraham to himself as he stood in a large, black, empty room. In front of him stood Shadow, crazy dementia in it's eyes. A strong sense of dread oscillated from the wolf.

"Did you miss me?" mocked Shadow as the black room turned into a searing desert that overwhelmed Abraham's senses.

"You know the answer to that question. Why am I here?" replied Abraham as they began to in no general direction.

"Why do you think?" replied Shadow as the sand below their feet collapsed into the empty space of the universe. Thousands of galaxies zoomed past both of them. The meaning of speed and time had shattered at that very moment.

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