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"There are moments in life when a wolf stops, turns around, and looks at the world before him. All the things that have shaped him to be what that he is now; all the good that he has caused to those around him. And all the damage that he has caused to the ones he holds close. Every agonizing step that has cracked the earth beneath his feet; every drop of blood that has spilled onto the floor beneath him."

"Rage is what fueled his passion, his dreams, his hope. A hope to exert vengeance on those who shunned and hunted him. Not for his actions, but for what he was. What he had become. They had called him a monster, a freak of nature."

"All he had ever wanted was acceptance for his kind. He wanted to be accepted for what they were, to live in a world where his kind would not live in fear."

"That rage and that passion slowly turned into a dream. A dream to crush those under him. A dream to have his kind be the superior species on the earth."

"The humans and the Alikar once had good relations with each other. They lived in harmony, and accepted each others difference. Then humanity started to gain power, and began to look down upon the Alikar. Within months, they hunted and killed each and every one of us. Humans came to his village, and he watched as they slaughtered his family and friends in front of his eyes. It was a miracle that he had lived."

"The Alikar warned the humans to stop what they were doing. They attempted to create peace offerings, to come to a resolution. The humans refused to listen. We warned of an inevitable conflict that would result in millions of humans dying under our hands. Yet, the humans refused to listen."

"Word was sent to every major clan in the world. An inevitable battle was going to happen. Months passed. Months of planning, of waiting on who would make the first move."

"Thus began the seven month war between the Alikar and the humans."

"Blood had spilled onto the streets as we mercilessly tore at every human being that we set our eyes upon. The feel of their blood only enraged is more... but we had underestimated the human's potential."

"And we lost. Our race went into hiding, and every record of our kind was erased from the world. We were forgotten. They thought we were dead, but they were wrong. Slowly but steady, we began to rebuild, to repopulate our species. Waiting for the moment when we could Finlay exact revenge on humanity, and all who stood for them." Firefang stopped pacing around Abraham, and looked at him squarely in the eyes.

Abraham looked up to meet the eyes of Firefang. "Who is 'He'?"

Firefang let out a long sigh before pacing around the room again. Carefully looking at each of the five humans in front of him. "That is up for you to find out"

Abraham began getting anxious. He knew something was going to happen to them soon, but he did not know what. "And why the hell do you think that the Alikar will win this time around?" Abraham felt an elbow hit him in between the ribs, and looked to see Yuvin staring at him with a face of disagreement.

Firefang chuckled a little before starting to walk away from the room. He stopped to look back at Abraham, a his eyes narrowed and menacing. "Because now, we have you." With that, he left the room, motioning to the guards. They quickly entered the room and stood watch to make sure that the shifters would not go anywhere.


6 Hours Earlier

Abraham's screams filled the infirmary. Agonizing screams that made the female wolves rush through the doorway. They quickly went up to Abraham, who was thrashing against the floor, trying to get away from the wolves. His vision was blurry, but it was good enough for him to make out the outlines of the wolves who were now approaching.

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