Putting up a Fight

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“Get him! Get him!”

“Don’t worry I have him right where I want him.”

“He is going to kill you.”

“No he is not; look he is turning to the left. A dead end.”

“He has a sword! Back up! Back up!”


“He killed you, Vars.”

“You don’t have to tell me, Jason.”

Jason got up from his seat and walked towards the small refrigerator across the room, carefully watching his step as to not to step on the numerous beer cans that littered the floor. “Your really are the worst at Halo!”

“How was I supposed to know that he had a sword!?” exclaimed Vars as he lifted his hands up.

“He led you to a dead end without even putting much as a fight. Sure he tossed a few grenades, but to weaken you. It was a dead giveaway that he had a sword.” said Jason as he got back to his seat with two cans of beer. He passed one on to Vars, who popped the seal in one quick motion.

“You know. If my dad ever finds out that you were here, and that we were drinking from his beer while under age, he will rage like he never has before.” said Vars as he took a gulp from the can of beer.

“No worries. Tomorrow morning I will call Alek and ask him to buy us the beer that we drank. I will give him the money and he gets to keep a little bit of it. The beer will be back before your dad gets back from his business trip.  He is happy, we are happy, and your Dad will not rage on us.” Jason slouched back in his chair as he took a sip form his beer. “Now would you hand me the remote? I believe that it is my turn to play Halo.”

“You know, my dad always said that you were a bad omen.” said Vars as he handed the remote to Jason.

“Is that not when a really bad thing happens to someone; something life changing?”

“How the hell am I supposed to know?”

“Well then. Has anything bad recently happen to you while I was here?”

“My bad luck at halo.”

“Ha-ha-ha! Yeah but is just you not knowing the rules of the game!”

“OK, alright. So my dad might be wrong. Still, if he finds out that we were drinking, we are both dead beyond repair!”

“Yeah, sure. Now watch, you see that guy with the sniper? He is a bad sniper for the reason that he is right next to that fusion coil.”

“You mean that glowing box of radiation?”

“Yeah, so just lob a few grenades his way and… BOOM! Sniper problem solved, one kill for me.”

Vars got up from the couch and walked out to the window, his gaze up at the sky. “Hey man, it’s time.”

“Shoot, already?”

“Yeah, hurry up or we’ll be late. The ladder is already set up. And don’t forget to turn off the X-box.”

Jason quickly got up from his seat and ran towards the outside of the house. He walked over to the side and quickly bolted up the ladder to the roof, where Vars was already waiting for him.

“Shoot man, this is going to look great without all those city lights.” said Jason as he sat next to Vars.

“I hear that this meteor shower is going to be a once in a life time show. Astronomers are saying that there has never been such an occurrence recorded.”

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