The Sweet Taste of Luna

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Abraham woke up drenched in sweat. His breathing was heavy and his eyesight was disorientated. Everything looked green to him, but slowly he began to regain his sight. He looked down onto his left arm, and saw blood dripping from what seemed like a fresh wound shaped like a bite mark.

Damn, I really hate talking to Shadow. Why must I get the psychopathic wolf spirit, all the good he has ever done is give me the power of the wolf, yet why do I feel like it was a mistake to accept him into my soul. Hmm, because You have nothing more Abraham. He is the only companion in your life right now. He is the only family you will ever have Abraham.

"Finally, you're awake!" The voice was kind and feminine. Abraham felt a chill down his spine, the girls voice had dropped heavily on him.

Oh god! Please tell me that this is a nightmare, that what I just heard is not real.

"I've been waiting for you to get up for hours, everyone in the village thinks that you are dead, but I denied it. Now look at you! Ugh, what am I saying, I haven't even introduced myself!" She got up and extended a hand towards Abraham. "My name is Luna Piere, what's yours?"

Abraham looked around the room, it was small, but it had enough to make for a decent home. He was laying down on a medium sized bed, and in the far corner of the room there was a small fire. It's heat brought the long gone sense of family. He sat up and turned to face Luna, bit his gaze was to the floor. He did not want her to look at him in the eyes. He extended his hand and shook it as kindly as he could muster. Her hand was warm and soft, and Abraham could not help but think of three different ways that he could have killed her at that very instant.

"I am Abraham, just Abraham. Forgive me if I ask, but how did I get here?"

"Why, I was hiking with some friends when we found your body laid out next to a cliff. We are about two miles from were we found you, and you looked like you were in trouble. So we decided to help." Her voice had become small, Abraham knew that there was a lie in what she had just said.

You have just made the biggest mistake of your life, Luna. If you had know what I could become, you would have left me were I was.

"I volunteered to look after you," Abraham saw her move towards the fire, "I had the most medical supplies."

More lies, you are not telling me something here Luna.

"I found your hunting knife, it is very beautiful." She picked up the knife from the floor and walked towards Abraham. She grabbed his hand and placed it handle first on his palm.

"Thank's, I guess..." Abraham shifted uncomfortably as she sat down next to him. He began to feel the hunger grow inside of him. It was small, but he could feel it. His heart beat began to increase, and he began to sweat around the forehead. Abraham was praying that she did not notice.

Give me one more hour, Shadow. I can't transform here, not now.

"You must be hungry, I cooked something for you. I hope that you like it."

Oh god, please don't bring me that food. Please don't make more more hungry.

Abraham spoke up quickly, "No! I mean not now. I am not hungry at all, and I don't want to waste perfectly good food that I am sure... tastes good."

"Whatever, it's you choice but I warn you, your'e missing out."

Oh trust me, it's better if I don't eat anything. Both for you and me, but mostly you.

Luna sat down closer to Abraham, she turned and looked at him in the face. Abraham figured out finally what she was hiding, Luna was attracted to him! Then he remembered that women are always attracted to shifters more prominently. He did not know how to explain it, he had overheard Yuri talking about it. Something about Pheromones, and how it was used to attract a mate. He looked down to the ground so that she would not look at him in the eyes.

I can feel it now, the hunger is growing. I have to contain it, otherwise it's just going to be one big massacre. Ohh, how I crave the taste of blood right now.

Out if the corner of his eye, Abraham saw Luna shift closer to him. Her mouth opened to utter something, but quickly closed again. He noticed her cheeks turning into a light shade of red. She was blushing. They opened once more, and this time they managed to utter a sound.

"Abraham, your eyes. The are---,"

"I know, they are impossible to look at. I know what you are thinking, you think i'm a monster..."

"If you would just let me finish, Abraham they are beautiful!"

He looked up in disbelief, their eyes finally met, and he got his first good look at her face. Her eyes were a deep blue. Her hair was black and it extended down to her shoulders. Her face was clean and it looked soft. It was the most beautiful face he had seen his entire life.

Must... contain... wolf. I can't let it out. The hunger is overwhelming! I HAVE TO FEED!

Abraham started to sweat all over his face. His shirt had become soaked in it, and he could feel the beginning stages of his transformation.

"Luna, I have to go right now."

"But why, you just woke up?"

He grabbed Luna by the shoulders and looked at her straight in the eyes. "If I don't go, alot of people will be hurt, some may even die. I don't expect you to understand, but please, if you know what is right for you, then you will let me go."

"You will return, right?"

"I will try, but it might be a while."

He let go of her and began to walk to the front door. Suddenly Abraham collapsed to the ground. He began to scream as his skin tore of his body and was quickly replaced by the black fur. He heard his back arced to the extent that his spinal cord snapped in half, and quickly reformed itself into a much stronger one. He looked at Luna in the eyes, he could see her tears streaming down her face. He hated every moment of it. Right before his transformation ended, Abraham managed to utter one thing before he was completely immersed into his wolf.

"I am sorry Luna, I really am."

His transformation ended, and he walked over to Luna.

 Her sobs had become loud and he could see tears dropping onto the floor. He rested his head on her lap for about a minute, he was trying to comfort her. 

I really am sorry Luna, I did not want it to end this way. I did not want it to end at all. I just hope that it is not painful.

He went for her neck, and tore out her wind pipe in one swift move. The blood began to spill from the hole that he had torn. She died immediately, and he began to feed on her. The meat was soft, tender. He tore at the chest and took a bite down her lower abdomen. The blood stained his fur, it was delicious.

When he was finished, he looked back at her remains. Not much was left of Luna, but her face was the one thing that remained intact. Abraham had taken the most beautiful flower that he could find, the petals were a deep blue, just like her eyes. He placed it on her as carefully as he could, and he jumped though the window and began to sprint into the woods. Then he realized something, she knew what he was, and she had accepted him.

Thank you for accepting me for who I am Luna... May you rest in peace...

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