"Two-Eagle-Six this is Hellfire Revenge"

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The conference room was loud. Delegates from all over the world sat conversing with their president. A large bang was heard from the pedestal at the front of the stage, quickly quieting down the room.

“Delegates and Presidents from all nations. We are gathered here today to discuss the matter of an unknown growing threat that has affect a great many number of you. Two days ago we lost contact with a military base and a naval ship located off the eastern coast of Greenland. Russian special forces managed to recover an audio recording from the ship.”

There was a pause.

“What you are about to hear is going to be new to both you and me. Please, I ask for complete silence in the room.”


Ships Log.

December 30, 2013

6:48 PM

“Two-Eagle-Six this is the Hellfire Revenge. Do you copy? Over.”

There was a long silence across the radio.

“Two-Eagle-Six we picked up a distress beacon coming from your location. Over.”

“Roger that Hellfire Revenge. This is Two-Eagle-Six. We read you side by side.”

“Roger. Is the situation alright, Two-Eagle-Six?”

“Roger that. We just had a minor malfunction with our radar systems. It activated the automatic distress beacon.”

“Affirmative. Would you like us to send someone to go check it out?”

“Ah, negative Hellfire Revenge. We have got the personnel capable of such task.”

“Roger that. How long before they are up and running?”

“About 20 minutes. Do you think you guys could provide us with radar coverage while we wait for the system to go back online?”

“Let me check on that… … … Roger that, we have got confirmation. We will be coming in close to provide radar coverage.”

“Roger. Hellfire Revenge I recommend staying clear of the docks. Major repairs are being made after the recent earthquake.

 “Roger. We will be coming in close to the cliff. Do you copy? Over.”

“Roger that Hellfire Revenge. Careful on the approach.”

“Affirmative… Two-Eagle-Six, I read 5 foot mobiles heading to your location. Approximately half a click away from you.”

“Roger Hellfire Revenge. We are expecting more personnel to come in today from patrol.”

“Roger that, continuing scan.”

There was a two minute pause in the communications.

“Hellfire Revenge, we can’t find those foot mobile you were talking about. Can you relay their location.”

“Due south, hold on… we just lost the contacts. Probably a glitch caused by the snow storm. Do you copy? Over.”

There was silence on the radio.

“Two-Eagle-Six, do you copy?”

“Hellfire Revenge. We just lost contact with building C-8.”

“The one closest to the main gates?”

“Roger that… hold on.”

“Two-Eagle-Six, is everything alright over there.”

“Hellfire Revenge. Contact with buildings C-6 and B-3 has been lost.”

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