... Three to go

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“Yuri! Yuri where are you!?” T’Argho yelled at the top of his lungs, no response came from the forest, and after a while, he went back inside the small cave that they had found and designated as a hideout.

Yuvin looked up at him; an expression of worry filled his face. “He should have been back hours ago. I’m telling you, something happened to him. I think someone should go and look for him.”

Dimitri entered the cave a couple of minutes’ later, sweat covering his face and drenching his shirt. “I got no scent, it’s like he never existed.”

T’Argho looked at him, “Just like Abraham right?”

“Yeah, just like him. I can’t explain it, never has this ever happened. I can’t even get the smallest trace of him.”

T’Argho sat on the hard rock, and placed his hands on his face.

First was Abraham. But now Yuri just vanished in the blink of an eye; no traces left behind. Now the question is, who is next?

T’Argho’s thoughts were interrupted as he heard Yuvin get up and walk towards the entrance of the cave, his voice was faint, but easily audible to them.

“Something is hunting this pack guys, taking us out one by one. Now I don’t know about you guys but I think that it is better if we stick together. Unless you guys want to die, then I think that this would be our best bet.”

“For once, I agree with you Yuvin. Something actually came out of your mouth that made sense.”

“Glad to hear it T’Argho, it’s always good to hear that you are pleased by my ideas.”

“Hey, don’t push it. No one said that I was pleased, only that it made sense.”

A low growl came from Dimitri; he was beginning to get anxious. His hands were moving nonstop and his eyes were darting from one side of the cave to the next. Yuri and T’Argho looked at him as he began to tap his foot on the ground really loudly; the noise came at unpredictable times. The growl came again, this time louder than before. A hunger was beginning to settle over Dimitri.

“Hey Dimitri, look here.” Said T’Argho.

Dimitri glanced up at T’Argho, and smiled as he gave him a small nod of his head and looked out the cave. He knew what it meant, and so he along with the rest of the pack, transformed into their wolves. They set out in a northwesterly direction, deeper into the woods towards the last known location of their comrade.

The hunger was not of food, but instead it was a hunger to find their fellow pack member and bring him to safety. The morning rays were beginning to fill the sky around them, an orange glow that hummed life to the forest.

The pack stopped as they saw fresh blood on the ground. It was a large pool that was easily noticeable. Next to the blood were paw prints the size of Yuri’s’ paws. T’Argho looked up to the trees all around them, and saw strange markings on some of the trunks on three different ones.

He turned back into his human form, and walked up to one of the trees. T’Argho got a closer inspection of the markings. He could not help but notice that they were arranged in a pattern, and as he looked around to the other two he noticed that they had the exact same marking pattern. They were a series of lines and dots crudely carved into the trunks. For some reason, T’Argho thought that they had been made by claws.

“Hey guys, I think that you might want to check this out.”

“T’Argho? What is it, what did you find?” Yuvin had just gotten up from inspecting the blood on the ground, and was walking towards T’Argho. Out of the corner of his eye, Yuvin saw Dimitri walk off towards a set of trees behind them.

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