A File and a Killing

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The steel doors closed with a loud bang before the silence settled in. The man looked around the white room until his gaze fell onto a figure sitting across a solid oak table. He sat down and pulled out two separate folders.

“We have a possible lead. No assurances, but from what we have got it seems like we have a threat to national security.” The man’s voice was cold, his words emotionless. He grabbed a folder and pushed it across the table, stopping directly in front of a second person. “Be warned, Mr. President, what you are about to see is top secret information; completely confidential, for my eyes and your eyes only. Absolutely no one else has seen the contents of this folder within the United States.”

The president opened the folder with one hand, quickly scanning the first page.

For the eyes of the President and the Secretary of Defense only of the United States of America.

·         Security breach on multiple military surveillance locations across Asia, Europe, and Africa.

·         Security breach on key radar installations in Alaska, Germany, Poland, Switzerland, China, Iraq, Afghanistan, Cuba, Russia, Dominican Republic, and Egypt.

·         Heavy civilian casualties reported across Russia, Poland, England, and Brazil. Total number unknown.

·         Cause of deaths: Unknown.

·         Military casualties reported in Russia, China, Egypt, United States, and Cuba. Both local military and U.S. military. Total number over 500 personnel killed.

·         Cause of deaths: Unknown

“Were the casualties all caused by the same thing, Travis?” inquired the president.

“Please, Mr. President, if you would continue to read,” Said Travis as he pointed at the folder.

·         Reported intrusion in military base ‘Zeta 64459’. Location: Atacama Desert.

·         Marine strike force of 5 personnel sent in to investigate along with local military Special Forces consisting of 4 personnel.

·         Encountered no resistance. All 58 base occupants are confirmed to have been killed before strike force arrived.

·         Casualties include: 20 Americans, 18 Chileans, 15 Russians, and 5 Colombians.

·         Puncture wounds and claw marks reported to be on all bodies.

·         Immediate quarantine of base in effect.

The president flipped to the second page, his hand skimming above the letters.

·         Reports of civilian and military personnel encountering an unknown contact.

Ø  Reported to be roughly seven feet tall.

Ø  Wolf like features.

Ø  Not human.

·         Reports span from Russia, across Asia and Africa, throughout numerous parts of Europe, and throughout the Americas.

·         Report immediately to presidents of all militarily powerful countries throughout the world.

·         Possible grey alert in effect.

The president looked up from the folder at Travis. “What do you think?”

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