Last One Out

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The world around him seemed green, and everything was spinning wildly. Yuvin shut his eyes tightly, trying to remember what had happened to him, but nothing came to his mind. Slowly but steady, his eyesight began to improve to the point that he had enough balance to sit up from where he was laying.

"Well, look who has finally decided to wake up. Welcome back to the world," said T'Argho from behind Yuvin. A slight tone of surprise was in his voice.

Yuvin looked at his surroundings; the walls around him were a dark brown in color, almost fuzzy. It did not take long for Yuvin to figure out that he was inside a hut. A small hut fit for three people. He took a look to his left and noticed a spray of blood staining the wall. A glance to his right confirmed his suspicions; a man who looked to be in his 40's, horribly mangled and mauled. Skin was missing from parts of his leg, or what was left of it. He was laying face down in his own pool of blood, with a trail leading straight to T'Argho, who was in his wolf form and was chewing on an arm.

Yuvin lifter himself up slightly and turned around to face T'Argho before setting himself back down. He tried to regain some of his memory just so that he sis not ask a stupid question, but his attempts failed. He looked up at T'Argho, who was now staring at Yuvin with his head tilted slightly to the towards the left. A sign of curiosity amongst the wolves. Yuvin opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

"Something troubling you?" asked T'Argho, who was now done chewing on the arm, only bone and some flesh was left. T'Arghos gaze fell down to the floor; and his body language showed that he was fatigued.

"It's, well the thing is... I can't remember what happened over the last few weeks. It's as if my memory has been blanked. Yeah, I know it sound, well, idiotic. But you have to believe me!"

T'Argho chuckled loudly, obviously not seeming impressed by what Yuvin just told him. Yuvin was bewildered by the response, not expecting such a reaction. "What's so funny? I'm being serious here!"

T'Argho looked up, still chuckling from the situation. "You mean to tell me that you can't remember a thing! Not one thing what so ever!" A hint of disbelief was in his voice.

"Yes, that's what I am saying!" Yuvin began to get frustrated, he did not understand why T'Argho was behaving like that.

Suddenly, a black fog surrounded T'Argho, catching Yuvin of guard and making him fall backwards. The fog intensified, and Yuvin could hear the sound of T'Argho's heart beat increase. Just as quickly as it had come, the fog lifted, revealing T'Argho now in his human form. A smile crept across T'Arghos' face as he got up and walked towards the entrance to the hut, stopping a little to make sure that he did not trip on the dead man. The sight of the body made T'Argho chuckle a little, remembering the look in the man's face when he entered the hut in his wolf form. "Yuvin my friend, I suggest that you make yourself comfortable, because this is going to be a long story."

Yuvin looked around the hut before raising his hands in the air. "I've got all the time in the world. Come on now, impress me."

"Alright, do you remember when you, me, and Dimitri went to look for Yuri once he disappeared? asked T'Argho with his back to Yuvin.

"Yeah, I remember," replied Yuvin blankly

T'Argho turned around and looked stright into Yuvin's eyes. "Do you remember how Dimitri disappeared and how we went looking for him?" The look in Yuvin's face told T'Argho that he had lost him, and could not remember what had happened. "That's right, and you my friend got hit with what I believe is a tranquilizing dart."

T'Argho reached into his pocket and pulled out the small dart that he had removed from Yuvin's neck just ca couple of weeks prior to Yuvin's awakening. He took one good look at it before tossing the dart to Yuvin, who caught it in mid air without ever looking away from T'Argho.

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