Chapter One

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I walked slowly through the streets, taking my time to enjoy the sunlight. I wrapped my hands around the straps of my backpack. I sighed happily as I thought of what my biology teacher, Mr. Dun, had said earlier in his lesson.

"Heterochromia is a rare but beautiful abnormality that occurs due to a mutation in the iris. Now, heterochromia can not only occur in the iris but also in..."

Rare but beautiful.


I smiled as I thought back to that lesson, only for my smile to be soon replaced by a frown.

"Freak," Marcus said as he slammed my head into a locker. "Didn't you hear Mr. Dun? Even he says you're not normal." Marcus leaned down next to my ear and whispered, "Why don't you just do us all a favor and—"

I shook my head. Marcus was an idiot who picked on kids unable to defend themselves to make him feel better about his pathetic life. I looked up at the darkening sky and walked quickly towards the corner.

"Hi, Daisy," I said as swung my backpack off my shoulder.

"Hello, Winston! How was school?" Daisy asked, form shimmering slightly.

I shrugged as I took out the vase and a bottle of water. "Same as always, I guess. Nothing new," I answered as I poured the water into the vase.

"Oh, Winston, are those for me?" Daisy asked as she placed a hand over where her heartbeat should be.

I smiled and arranged the tulips in the vase.

"Hey, boy!"

I looked up and saw an old man leaning out his window. "What are you doing? It's getting dark, y'know."

I stood up and placed my backpack on my shoulder. "I know, I was just placing some flowers—"

"—for the old lady who died there a few days ago, I know. I was wondering who was doing it. You must have a very pure heart, young man."

I felt my cheeks redden and turned around. I heard the old man laughing from behind me even as I turned the next corner.

Once again, I found myself looking up at the sky. I loved sunsets. All the colors swirling and blending together to create something no painting or picture could ever truly capture. I could try though.

I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the time. 5:23 p.m.

I smiled as I took my camera out of my backpack. If I hurried, I would be able to take some new photos to add to my collection.


I strolled leisurely through the masses, making my way across town. People rushed past me, having somewhere to be, places to go. Occasionally, someone moved right through me, shivering afterward like someone had poured ice down their shirt. I picked up an apple as I walked by a stall, the lady running it accusing the guy right behind me. I chuckled as I bit into the apple.

Suddenly, my phone rang. Teleporting to the roof of a nearby building, I swallowed the bite of apple before answering.


"Hey, bro—"

"Oh, hey Domi, how've ya been?"

"Good, good, hey, listen, the big D wants you back by midnight. He says all the underlings have a mission they need to complete. Since you're not picking up for anyone else, they made me call you. I don't have the details yet, he's waiting to reveal them at the assembly."

"Oh, okay. Thanks, Domi."

"Yeah, yeah, goodbye—"

I ended the call and looked at the sky. The sun was setting fast. I smiled. You really didn't get views like this in hell. I stood up and stretched. Looking past all the office buildings and apartment complexes, I spotted the perfect spot to enjoy the rest of my apple.

Snapping my fingers, I was instantly taken to the bridge. Not many people were out now, and soon, that number dwindled down to zero. I leaned back and dangled my feet over the murky water fifty feet below.

Biting into my apple, I looked across the water at the sunset. It really was something else.

Soon, I heard footsteps approaching. I ignored it. It's not like the person would be able to see me. That was impossible.

But then the footsteps started got faster as a voice shouted, "Hey! You okay down there?"

I ignored it, thinking the person was talking to someone else farther up the street.

"Hey, do you need help?" This time, I looked in the direction of the voice, interested to see who this person was yelling at, only to find out the person was looking straight at me.

I looked behind me, thinking maybe someone was there, but there was no one else on the bridge except for me and this person.

I turned back around and looked at the person. He had light brown hair that was pushed to one side of his forehead and covered part of one eye, two neat eyebrows drawn in concern, and a mouth that was moving, but I couldn't comprehend a word this boy was saying.

I was too focused on his eyes.

One of them, his left, was a medium shade of gray with splatters of yellow around the iris, like a storm cloud. The other, his right, was a bright violet. There was no mistaking that color. You could see it from across a room with a hundred people in it.

"Hey, are you okay?" The boy asked. Before I could respond, he knelt down and touched my back between my shoulder blades.

White light flashed from the contact. A searing pain shot through my system, working its way from my shoulder blades to the rest of my body.

I teleported back to hell faster than ever before, causing a small explosion to go off as I blasted out of the Human World.


This is the first chapter of my story. Hoped you enjoyed it. And if you did, why not vote/comment/share?

Written: August 30, 2017
Published: February 25, 2018

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