Chapter Twenty Six

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"Domi, I'm really sorry, okay? How many times do I have to apologize?" I asked from where I was leaning against the kitchen door.

He removed his hand from his nose and said, "You can stop apologizing when my nose stops bleeding."

Winnie shifted on his feet next to where Domi was seated at the table. "Maybe we should get you to a doctor. You've been bleeding for ten minutes."

Domi waved him off. "I'm fine. It's just bleeding because it was a demon that hit me. If Ash were human, he wouldn't have left a scratch."

Winnie sat down. "Are all demons this strong?"

Domi nodded and said, "Yeah, and Ash is considered one of the weaker ones. Physically, he's actually one of the strongest, but because of his rank, he is seen as weak."

Winnie nodded and looked down at his hands resting on his knees.

I frowned at him. He looked tenser than usual. "Hey." 

Winnie looked up at me, lip caught between his teeth. God, he looks hot when he does that.

Now's not the time! 

"It'll be fine. Don't worry." 

He nodded and looked back down at his lap.

Domi frowned and stood up. His nose had stopped bleeding and he desperately needed to wash the blood off his hands and face. "What do you mean? Why would he worry?" 

I exhaled slowly. "Baxter and Natasha are here."

Domi froze. His face became pale as the blood drained from it. "Shit! Shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" he yelled as he paced around the house, dragging his hand through his black curly hair as he paced. He stopped pacing between me and Winnie. He looked to me as he pointed at Winnie. "We need to protect him."

"You think I don't know that?! Just how do you propose we do that Domi?!" I demanded.

Domi turned to Winnie and grabbed his shoulders, kneeling down to be eye level with Winnie. I would have laughed at how Winnie was being treated like a six-year-old child if the situation wasn't so serious. "Is there anywhere that you know of that demons wouldn't think of to look for you at?"

Winnie thought for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I think so. I don't even think they'll be able to enter."

I tilted my head in curiosity before I realized what he meant. I shut my eyes and groaned. "Please tell me you aren't suggesting what I think you're suggesting. Isn't there another place you could stay at?"

Domi looked between the two of us confused. "What? What is he suggesting? Why are you against it? If it'll protect him, why do you have that look on your face?"

I sighed. I looked Winnie in his mismatched eyes as I said to Domi, "He's suggesting we go to a church."

Domi looked at me for three seconds before bursting out laughing. "Oh man, have fun with that. Make sure you tell me what goes on in there. I have always wondered," he laughed as he stood up.

Winnie looked confused. "I meant for you to come, too."

Now it was my turn to laugh. "Winnie, Domi can't enter churches. He's been a demon too long. I, however, by demon standards, have not. So I can enter churches just fine, but touching anything holy hurts like hell," I said as I moved to stand in front of him. I pulled him off the chair and started to lead him towards the front door. He tugged on my arm, making me come to a stop. 

"Ash! We can't go like this!"

I paused and looked back at him. "What do you mean?"

Winnie gestured between us. "You aren't dressed appropriately! You can't show up in ripped jeans and a T-shirt!"

I frowned. "Why not?"

"Because it's God's house!"

"I'm supposed to care?" I laughed but quickly ceased when I saw the frown on Winnie's face. The sight made the earlier ache in my chest come back. 

No one should be allowed to look this cute. How dare he? Does he know what he does to me every time he does that?

I groaned. "Fine. Just for you, I'll dress up as best I can with my limited wardrobe."

I rolled my eyes at his beaming smile, hoping that was enough to hide the small smile taking over my face.


okay, chappie 26 is done! The next chapter was a lot of fun to write, it's probably one of my favorite chapters!

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