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noodle head jack 🍜

hey noodle head. what you doing

hey i just got out of the studio. what are you doing?

just waiting for my roommate to get home

oh cool, you have a roommate?

yeah. we live in an apartment together, and when he is out, i make dinner for us for when he gets home

oh that's cool. we never have dinner made, we normally just stop somewhere to eat, or order pizza.


you know about me, but i don't know about you.

what do you wanna know?

whatever you can tell me or want to tell me

ok umm...
full name: maggie rose jackson
d.o.b.: june 22,1999
age: 17
favorite color: any shade of blue or rose gold
favorite sport: soccer ⚽️
something's i do during my free time: explore, make new friends, sing, dance, play soccer, and many more things

wow there is a lot to you
so you like exploring?

it's fun. but not as fun as dancing and singing

cool 😎
can i hear you sing or something
or dance

one day noodle head jack


haha i'm just kidding i love you

what's my name saved as on your phone?


just wondering

oh it's 'noodles head jack 🍜'

really? 😑

yep. what's my name on your phone?

i have you saved as 'maggie 🙈✨💕'

awe 😊

but i'll change it to 'maggie 😤' if you don't change my name to something else

what about 'jack with noddles on his head'

maybe 'jack avery ⚡️💞'


you changed 'noodle head jack 🍜' to 'jack avery ⚡️💞'

ok i changed it. happy now

yep. 😁

so what now?


tell me something nobody knows about you

i have a twin brother without noodle hair

omg really?!

no i just don't know what to say


oh i know what to say now

what? you have a gf

no but i have a best friend that goes by the name 'maggie rose jackson'

wow we have the same name.

that's cause you're my best friend! you cute dummy

wow what an honor. i am jack avery's best friend.

i want to meet you so badly

i do too

where do you live?

in LA with my roommate in an apartment

is you're roommate like your boyfriend or something?

read 3:45pm
jack are you jealous 😒

what? no!
i just thought maybe your roommate is like your bf or something but you said no. so why would i be jealous

you shouldn't even be jealous at all! my roommate is my 22 year old best friend

oh. i'm sorry

it's fine. but i gtg. my roommate is downstairs in the lobby

oh ok. bye cutie.
read 3:52pm

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